Chapter Five

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I stayed in the pool for another two hours. At least one of the boys was by my side at all times because they were still afraid that I was going to drown. I wasn't allowed to jump into the deep end because the boys thought I would hit the bottom and never come back up. I'm currently sitting in the hot tub alone because the rest of the boys were ticking me off. 

After about five more minutes I couldn't stand the heat anymore so I walked over to the deep end of the pool. 

"I'M JUMPING IN!!" I yelled making the boys spin over to look at me. 

"NO YOU'RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF!!" Jinxx yelled from the other side of the pool. 

"I'M GOING TO BE FINE!!" I yelled back.

I backed up and started running. I felt something ram into my side. I spun and ended up falling backwards into the pool with someone attached to me. They were on top of me as we were falling to the bottom of the pool. My back hit the bottom and the air was knocked out of me. I slipped out from underneath whoever was on top of me and started swimming to the surface. I was quickly running out of air but I broke the surface just in time. I gasped for air and wiped the water off of my face. Ashley broke the surface next to me and flipped his hair out of his face. 

"THAT TIME I ALMOST DIED!! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU ASHLEY!!" I yelled at him shoving his chest. 

"I tried to stop you! But being the klutz that you are you had to spin around and make us both fall into the pool." He said pouting. 

"What do you expect! The floor was wet and you practically tackled me!" I scolded him. I was struggling to stay above the surface and water was constantly falling into my eyes. 

"Evelina get out of the pool you're scaring me." Ashley said noticing me struggle. 

"Just swim over to me Evelina, I'm right behind you." Andy said. I spun around and noticed him a few feet back. I started dog paddling over to him making the boys laugh.

"Stop laughing didn't I tell you that I don't swim very well!!" I yelled continuing to dog paddle over to Andy who was only a little closer than before. He took another step forward and extended his arms to try and grab me. I paddled a little farther forward I reached for his hands. He reached out a little more and grabbed my hands pulling me to him. He put me behind him and lifted me onto his back so he was giving me a piggy back ride... Again. 

"How is it we've ended up like this three times today?" He asked walking back to the shallower end of the pool. 

"I don't know, because you're a nice guy?" I asked him not really knowing the answer myself. 

"You're f****** right I'm a nice guy." He said setting me down in a place were I could touch the bottom. 

"I'm sick of swimming can we all just chill in my room or something!?" CC complained getting out of the pool.

"THANK THE LORD!!" I screamed trying my best to run out of the pool but failing since it seemed like I was running in slow motion. 

It took me a minute before I finally reached the stairs so I could get out of the pool. I climbed out and walked over to the towel place thingy and grabbed a towel drying myself mostly off. I threw the towel into the dirty towel bin and walked over to my lawn chair grabbing my shirt. I didn't put it on since I was still wet. I turned around and ran into someone.

"O sorry Eve-" Jake trailed off looking at where his thumb was placed. It was right on top of all of my scars on my hip. I know it feels really weird since it doesn't really feel like skin anymore. It's just a patch of scars that kind of look like a messed up skin graph. 

"Is that what you did to yourself?" He asked quietly running his thumb over them. I backed away from him a little letting his hand fall back to his side.

"It's really no big deal. Other people have had it much worse. I don't tend to dwell on my Middle School days anyway." I said shrugging and walking off. I'm surprised none of the other guys had noticed. CC and Ashley's hands had been right there at one point. 

I walked out of the pool area and walked over to the stair well. I walked onto the stairs and started climbing. I had my room key and was humming along to Wretched and Divine. I didn't hear any of the boys follow me up here so I was alone which was alright with me. After what happened back there with Jake I didn't really want any of the boys by me. They probably heard everything from Jake anyway. I reached the third floor and sighed continuing to climb the stairs. When I finally made it to the fourth floor I was out of breath. I walked out of the stairwell and saw the guys down the hall way in front of one of their rooms. 

"She finally made it!" CC teased me walking into whichever room they were going into. 

"I'm just glad Andy didn't drag me into the elevator this time." I said breathy trudging into my room.

I walked in and went to my suitcases finding something to change into after I take a shower to get all the chlorine off of my body.

I got into my shower and washed myself. I got out of the shower and dried myself and put on my undergarments and my pants but leaving my shirt off. I decided I was hungry and walked over to my mini fridge which happily was stocked with some food. I got myself an apple and started walking back to the bathroom when the door opened. 

"Evelina!? We're watching movi-" Jinxx trailed off seeing me standing in the hallway without a shirt on eating an apple. I kind of waved awkwardly feeling my face go bright red because Jinxx has seen my red and black lacy bra that I only wear when I want to feel sexy... This got really awkward.

"You should really try knocking." I said walking into the bathroom not bothering to close the door since he had already seen me without a shirt on. 

"Sorry. We're watching movies in Andy and CC's room in case you wanted to come and join us. We ordered pizza so it'll be here within a half an hour." He said coming to stand in the doorway of the bathroom. 

"Alright I'll be over in a couple minutes just let me get dressed and stuff." I said waving him off. He walked out of the room and I heard the door close behind him. 

I put on my sweater and re-did my make up since I had washed it off in the shower. It was really insanely water proof so I had to practically scrub my eyes off in order for it to come off. Once I finished with everything I left my room and walked over to Andy and CC's. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

"Why hello no longer half naked lady!" Andy said opening the door, he was still shirtless. Thank you Lord for the eye candy!

"It don't see why it mattered if Jinxx saw me in my bra. He had already saw me in a bikini which is much more revealing." I said brushing past him and going to sit on the bed before all of the spots were taken. 

"Is it true that you're bra is black red and lacy?" Ashley asked smirking. 

"I don't know why don't you find out?" I seductively winking at him. He walked over to my and suddenly pulled off my sweater ripping a seam.

"ASHLEY I WAS JOKING!!" I yelled grabbing my sweater back and standing up. 

"So he was right!" Ashley said happily turning around and high fiving Jinxx. 

"You guys are pervs, someone give me a shirt so I don't have to walk topless in the hallway." I said holding my hand out. I was going back to my room I didn't want to deal with their perverted jokes all night. 

"Come on didn't you just say that it doesn't matter since everyone had already seen you in a bikini?" Andy shot back at me smirking and raising an eyebrow. 

"This is much more sexual than the bikini I was wearing before. And their could be little kids and old couples staying in this hotel!" I said crossing my arms over my chest noticing some wondering eyes. 

"If you agree to watch movies and eat pizza with us I will give you a shirt." Andy said crossing his arms and pretending to pout like I was. 

"FIIIINE!" I said throwing my arms up in the air. Andy walked over to his suit case and threw me a loose tank top that he had cut. It didn't really cover up anything. You could see most of my bra and was slightly see through since it was worn out. I sighed and flopped down on a bed waiting for them to put a movie in.

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