Chapter Two

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. It was 5:00 am. I had to be at the air port by 6:30. I shot up off of the couch and ran around my apartment throwing things into suitcases that I knew I needed. I ran into the bathroom with casual clothes that I was going to wear on the plane today. I threw my hair up and washed yesterdays make up off of my face. I washed my face and put on a new coat of make up. I then changed into my clothes for today and put on deodorant and perfume and such.

I quickly called a cab not wanting to have my car sitting in the air port parking lot for the week I was going to be gone. I closed my two suitcases and ran down the stairs since elevators scare me. I ran out to the front of the building where a cab was waiting for me. I helped the guy throw my stuff in the back and I ran inside the cab telling him to go to the air port.

"I'm guessing you're late." He said going a little over the speed limit. 

"I'm only five minutes late but I just want to be safe." I said worried that the plane might leave with out me or something. 

"Are you going on vacation or something?" He asked trying to make conversation. He was a nice guy so I didn't care about talking with him.

"No I'm going away on business  I'm a stage manager for a band and they're going to the East Coast promoting their new album." I said looking out the window and bouncing up and down in my seat. 

"Sounds like a vacation to me. What band is it?" He asked paying very close attention to the road.

"Black Veil Brides, they're a rock and roll band." I said not expecting him to say what he said next.

"YOU'RE JOKING!? I LOVE THEM I HAVE SUCH A MAN CRUSH ON CC!!" He completely fan boyed. It was pretty hilarious.

"Well I'm glad you like them, I'll be sure to tell them that you said hi." I said smiling widely at him. He smiled back and just babbled about how much he loved their music for the rest of the ride.

"We're here Miss." He said getting out of the car with me after I paid. He helped me with my suitcases and I rushed inside. 

I quickly did everything I had to with my bags and security and such. It wasn't exactly quickly though, I was done with everything in 30 minutes and I was waiting for someone to announce that the plane was boarding. Everyone was here except for the band. Figures. 

"Flight 62 now boarding." A lady said over the intercom. No one moved.

"Aren't we going to get on the plane?" I asked seeing that everyone was still just sitting there.

"We don't leave until the band gets here so they can't run off to the bathroom last minute or something and miss the plane." One of the sound guys said still flipping through his magizene. 

"Are they usually late?" I asked. He shrugged.

"They've never missed a flight." He said. I nodded and sat relaxed in my chair. 

Five minutes later the band came running into the terminal waving their tickets and running to get on the plane. Everyone then stood up and herded behind them making sure that they couldn't go do something. 

"Fancy seeing you here." Andy said from in front of me. He was about a seven inches taller than me so we were both craning our necks pretty far. 

"You to." I replied. I was pushed by one of the guys behind me and was thrown into Andy's back. 

"Hey, you boys are in the presence of a lady behave yourselves." One of the ladies taking our tickets said. The boys nodded and tried their hardest not to laugh at her. I couldn't blame them it was pretty funny.

"That's right boys I'm a lady!" I said jokingly. I'm pretty sure they could already tell that I'm far from ladylike.

"We all know that you're a man on the inside Evelina!" Jinxx yelled making everyone including myself burst out laughing.

"You caught me, I secretly have a penis." I said giving the lady my ticket. She looked at me questionably then waved me by letting me get on the plane. I walked on and found my seat. Sadly it was a window seat and I've always been deathly afraid of flying... This is just wonderful. I placed my bag above my head in the fancy over hang thingy but it wasn't working since I'm to short. Even more wonderful. 

I was jumping trying to get my bag in the over hang. Someone was laughing at me and I turned around and saw Andy putting his bag in the over hang with no problem. 

"Don't laugh at me it's not my fault this plane is meant for Sasquatches!" I yelled at him trying to put my bag up again. 

I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and someone's face by my ear. I jumped a little but then they started talking.

"Jump." Andy said softly. I jumped and he lifted me allowing me to put my bag in the over hang. 

He set me down on the plane's floor and walked to his seat. He was sitting next to Ashley while Jake was sitting in the seat next to mine. I walked over and slid into my seat. I was fidgeting and nervously playing with my clothes. 

"Are you OK? You're not going into a seizure or anything?" Jake asked looking at me with an eyebrow raised. I nodded and swallowed with difficultly since my throat was dried out.

"I'm just terrified of flying that's all." I said with my hands starting to shake a bit. 

"It's going to be alright. We're just flying to New York." He said shrugging. The flight was only two and a half hours but that doesn't make it any less terrifying. 

"It's still scary." I said crossing my arms and pouting my bottom lip out. He chuckled a little and slung his arm around me shoulder squeezing it a bit.

"We're not going to die or anything, we'll be fine. We're going to live and see New York and promote our next tour and album." He said smiling slightly down at me. I smiled widely back at him. He was a pretty cool guy, he has the potential to be my bestest friend ever. 

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