Chapter Six

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We watched a couple pointless movies and ate pizza for a few hours. I was currently in my room on the internet. I was checking out our next venue that the guys were playing at. I was setting up the stage how I wanted it in my head. It wasn't really that difficult, it wasn't that big of a stage anyway. It would be a normal set up, nothing special. 

It was around 11:30 when I fell asleep. 

I woke up on my own at 11:00 am. I didn't feel guilty at all. I slowly got up and picked out my outfit for the day and hoping in the shower.

I did my make up and groggily walking out of my room and into the hallway. I was going to walk to a Starbucks because I felt like death. I was holding my skate board not wanting to get yelled at for riding it around the hotel.

I walked down the stairs slowly taking a lot longer than I probably should have.

I didn't have anything to do today, neither did the boys or any of the crew guys. Tomorrow the guys are doing an interview at a radio station. I'm going to be with them so I know what the procedure is in case I have to do it someday if someone is sick or something.

I reached the end of the stairs and walked out into the lobby not seeing anyone except someone at the desk. I slightly waved at them and walked out of the hotel and onto the street. I placed my skate board on the ground and started skating to the  Starbucks that wasn't to far down the street. I didn't know where anyone that I know was but I'm OK with that. I wanted some alone time anyway. I was getting some weird looks from mature people walking down the sidewalk. I could imagine what they were seeing. A fully grown girl with long dread locks skateboarding down a crowded side walk, no big deal.

"Get off the side walk with that!" Some random business man with a briefcase yelled at me. He was yelling into his fancy phone that his work probably gave him. He didn't look like he enjoys what he does for a living. To bad for him, he's a jerk anyway.

I flipped him the bird and continued skating down the side walk until I finally reached Starbucks. I picked up my skateboard and walked inside hearing the fancy bell ring. No one was waiting in a line which was nice. I ordered a giant cup of coffee and bought a muffin. I waited for my coffee off to the side so other people could get through. I waited for a solid 15 minutes. I could tell that the business people heading to work were more of a priority they got in and out of here as fast as the workers could possibly get them off to their jobs. I stood there for another five minutes before I went back up to the counter. 

"Excuse me I've been waiting for 20 minutes to get my coffee." I said as politely as possible.

"I'm sorry we're kind of backed up at the moment." A girl with a tight blonde pony tail said smiling at me. Her smile looked forced.

"No we're not Sarah! We were told by our bosses to make the adults coffee first. They don't like people like us, so they make us suffer." Another girl said coming to the front of the counter. She looked a little younger than me. Her hair was slightly teased and she was wearing band bracelets and had an eye brow piercing. She had fake gauges and multiple ear piercings as well. 

"That's alright. No one really likes people like us anyway. I'm Evelina by the way." I said shaking her hand. She shook mine back and the Sarah girl scowled walking into the back probably to work on something.

"I'm Maddie. I'll go get  your coffee if you want me to." She said nicely fixing her hair a little bit.

"Nah, just get these losers their coffee so they can get out of here." I said pointing to the hoard of cranky looking adults in line to get coffee. 

"Alright, I'm actually not allowed to make the coffee. So I'm just going to take some people's orders. I'll see what I can do about your coffee issue to." She said waving good-bye and walking away. 

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