Chapter 7

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It's been a day since Spencer told Lia about his dad abusing him. After Lia got home from Spencers house Lia knew that she had to tell Luke about everything.  After Luke and Lia's conversation they both came to conclusion that Luke should talk to Spencer and see what he could do for Spencer. 

A little while later Luke and Lia decided to head over to Spencers house and talk to him. Lia had texted him before to make sure Spencers dad wasn't home.  When Lia and Luke got to Spencers house, Luke and Spencer got to talking about everything.  Lia went to Spencers room knowing that the conversation should be private between the two. 

Luke and Spencers conversation: 

"Lia told me what has been happening between you and your dad, tell me what's been going on" Luke said. 

"Ever since my mom passed away, my dad has been abusing me ever since. He thinks that it's my fault that she died even though I wasn't in the car when it happened" Spencer says. 

"How bad is the abusing?" Luke asked.

"Bad enough that sometimes I have to leave and go stay in my car. When he comes from work he usually is overwhelmed by it and so that's why he gets mad at me and starts hitting" Spencer says. 

"Spencer I'm going to help you get out of here. I'm going to talk to my boss and see what we can do. Either way I will make sure that your dad goes to jail for everything, but it's gonna be a long ride and many things could happen" Luke said. 

"Thank you Luke, I appreciate it so much. I know its gonna be a long ride, but i'm ready to be able to not worry about getting hit"

"You don't have to thank me, I'm helping you because that's my job" Luke says. 

"I'm gonna go tell Lia that we're done talking" Spencer says. 


Spencer gets up from the table to go get Lia from his room. when Spencer is about to walk into his room he finds Lia looking at family pictures that Spencer had on his desk. 

"That's from a trip that we took to the beach a couple of years ago" Spencer tells Lia making her jump. 

"You all look happy in this picture" Lia states. 

" Yeah, until my mom died which was a couple of months later. That's when we became unhappy"

"I'm sorry about your mom Spencer, you should never have to go through something like that" Lia says. 

"It's ok. We should probably head back to your brother so he isn't waiting" Spencer says walking out of the room. 

"Spencer if you want you can stay the night at our house tonight" Luke says.

"I think I will take that offer" Spencer replies. 

"Ok so this is the guest room, the guest bathroom is over here. If you have any questions just come to my room and ask me" Lia tells Spencer while showing the guest room to him. 

"Thanks Lia, I appreciate it a lot especially allowing me to stay the night too" Spencer says. 

"You're my best friend Spencer, I would do anything to keep you save" Lia replies. 

"I'm glad I'm your best friend" 

"Me too. Goodnight Spencer, remember we have school tomorrow too" 

"I know. Goodnight Lia" 

The next morning was very rough for Lia and Spencer since both of them couldn't sleep. So sometime during the night Spencer went to Lia's room to have a late conversation with her. They were so into their conversation that they hadn't realize that It became morning. 

"We are never having a sleepover again" Lia said while sitting down in her spot at school. 

"Or we can do sleepovers but just on the weekends" 

"Yeah. I don't want to do anything today in this class" Lia said.  

"Same. I'm pretty far into the project so I don't have to work on it today" 

"Same. We should get ice cream after school today" Lia says. 

"Ok that's fine, your paying" Spencer replied 

Spencer and Lia had a long day at school. Most of the classes Lia pretty much fell asleep in.   Spencer and Lia met up after school, they started heading to the local ice cream shop that they have been going to most days. Spencer gets chocolate ice cream while Lia gets mango. While eating their ice cream they spent talking about stupid things, they started talking about college, Lia even tried starting a conversation about his dad but Spencer changed that conversation right away. After they were done getting ice cream they headed back to Lia's house. For the rest of the night Spencer and Lia spent it watching movies. Lia knew that distracting Spencer from what was happening was a good thing. Spencer was thankful for Lia for being there for him, Spencer knew that Lia was his best friend and will always be in his life no matter what future held for both of them.

Here's chapter 7!!! It took awhile because I've been busy attempting to get my other books up and going. I'm hoping to get my PLL book up by tonight (probably won't happen) but I have to get the characters list finished. I have a chapter for The Alternative being posted at 8:00 tonight. I'm hoping to get chapter 8 posted sometime this weekend. 

Another thing, I know my writing is very terrible I never was an essay/book writer but I wanted to attempt to do some writing. So hopefully throughout the years I could get better. 

Thank you for reading. 

Have a great dayyyyy.

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