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Your mother pushes you to face a 5ft kuroo, in the middle of your living room. He was a tall, lean and nonchalant looking boy standing in front of his mother. He looked proud almost.

Proud to be taller than me?

"Hi y/n. I'm tetsurou. You're hella short. Are you in 2nd grade?" He leaves out his hand. He was tall for being in 3rd grade. Nobody, in your school was 4'5 at 8 years old. You hesitated to shake it because of that off putting remark.

You were literally 4 footish. Somewhere around.

"Hi tetsurou. I thought you were in 5th grade until you started speaking." you shook his hand.

"My voice is perfectly fine, little girl." He looked as if he was holding back a laugh.

The height just doesn't match his voice.

"Aw, he looks like a responsible young man Amane!" Your mother clapped, patting him on the back. Amane was her childhood friend she was very close to. They began laughing, joking about how she wanted this day to come so bad.

As if she were wedding you two.

You stood there awkwardly. What could you possibly do or talk about? He looked around the house bored. Tapping his pockets and glancing back at you from time to time. Then, an idea came into his mind.

"We're moving." Amane frowned.

"WHAT!" Your mother yelled, scaring both you and kuroo.

While they talked, he grabbed you by the hand, dragging you to your room and whipped out his game player.

"Wanna play? I'm bored. Or do you wanna read? Talk about stuff. My mom said I'll be here for a while."

"Are you really moving?" You asked, ignoring his previous suggestions. You were a bit disappointed. Your mom always talked about him and you really wanted to be his friend.

"Huh? Yeah. We're moving to Tokyo next month. You guys should move too."

"Well, I can't decide that..how come? My moms going to miss you guys. When we ate dinner she would just talk about your mom. And how i need to meet you. It's a shame I won't be able to get to know you more." You tried not to sound too sad though. Who cared if he was gone? It was a shame, though. You both loved volleyball and were the same age.

"It's okay, our moms will keep in touch. I'll text you with my mom's phone." He laughed, sitting down on the ground. "You better. Or send letters." You demanded.

"I'm sure my mom will suggest it and urge you guys to. But if you come I'll help you adjust. We'll see eachother again."

That day you played with just Kuroo. You had an absolute blast. Of course, he never texted. Neither did you, but ever since that day you wish you did.



3-5 is my class

It was your first day at nekoma, and your third year in highschool. It's been almost 10 years since you met that boy and you barely remembered. There was a lot going on when you were 8.

You were homeschooled for a year (last year) then you moved to Tokyo with your mother. For no specific reason. Nor did your mother specify.

When you entered the class, you sat down to where you were assigned. Eventually that would change when the home room teacher switched up the seats, randomizing it.

"I got the back." You celebrated and quickly sat down and started doodling in your notebook. People were asking to switch and trade seats. Desks were in pairs. All you wanted was the bell to ring.

"Hey," a boy next to you sat down. You looked up, instantly feeling intimidated. He looked about over 6 feet, sleeves rolled up showing his toned arms, messy black hair, and mischievous eyes. Plus, he was staring right at you.

He looks so...familiar. That hair...

You waved back, not saying a thing.

"Can we switch seats? I like the window better." He asked. "I'm tetsurou kuroo by the way." Your eyebrow perked up as he said his name. It rang a bell you couldn't remember. It had to be him.

I also like the window seat.

"No, sorry. I'm l/n y/n by the way." You retorted. It wasn't in a mean way, just a direct way which caught him off guard. He simply laughed before shaking it off.

He was a spitting image of the boy you wished you knew better.

"Hmph, fine." Kuroo frowned and sat down.

Once class started, it was time to take notes. Unfortunately, the teacher went a bit fast.

"Hey, can I copy some of your notes?" You asked kuroo. "Sure." He moved his notebook over to your desk as he rested his chin on his hand.

He spun his pencil in between his long fingers, scanning the area around him.

"Thanks." You passed the notebook back. "Your handwriting was a bit messy. What does this say?"

"It says velocity." Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows.


He looked surprised. "It's not that messy. At least I can write faster." He snorted.

The audacity. "Can you type fast?"


"Without looking."


The teacher turned around. "You two in the back, less talking and more writing." She scolded before continuing on.

You both quickly turned away from eachother.

You managed to squeeze in a few whispers. "You got me in trouble." It was lighthearted, but partially genuine. Still, you were glad kuroo wasn't awkward or boring. It would've been hard to approach him.

"It's pe time." You searched through your bag and locker for the gym uniform. "Here are the shorts but...where is the shirt?"

Nowhere to be found.

Seconds later, your vision was covered by a shirt. You quickly took it off your head and realized it was the uniform shirt and it was none other than Kuroo.

"Just give it back after." He said while he walked away.

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