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You said out loud. Everyone was in their uniform, standing in their spots. Kuroo's T-shirt fit you. But it was hard to ignore kuroo's strong scent, which partially annoyed you.

Does this guy spray cologne on his shirts.

Once attendance was done, it was time for sports.

"Alright guys, I have your pairs. We're going to be playing dodgeball today and badminton tomorrow in the same pairs." The pe teacher said.

How cliche

You waited patiently for your assignment.

"yaku and y/n."

You looked around. You had no idea who yaku was. Didn't pay attention to attendance because who does.

"Right here. I'm Yaku morisuke. Nice to meet you." He waved.

"Hi yaku. I'm l/n y/n. Are you good at dodgeball?"

"I'd say yeah. There's only one person I wanna beat." He shot a glare at the tall boy. You followed his gaze and you agreed.

He was paired with some other girl who was almost as tall as him which made you shiver.

"I'd like to avoid that, actually."

You two were getting into position, but then kuroo called out to Yaku.

"Yaku, don't fall for the ball like last time." Kuroo teased. Yaku turned around, rolling his eyes. "Do you want me to kick you in the ass again? Oh don't you worry. I hope you don't get hit in the face next time either."

Kuroo scoffed and noticed you.

"You new here?"

"Yeah. Thanks for the shirt by the way."

"It's nothing. Glad to have helped." He smiled. He was oddly friendly. Too friendly.

The whistle blew and it was time to play. While yaku did most of the work, you mainly stayed out of sight or avoided becoming a target. Yaku was just throwing himself in there.

"Hiding from the center? It seems your partner needs some help."

"He'll be fine." You turned around to look. Yaku was doing fine. In fact he was in a heated competition with other guys. "How come you're not there with your partner?"

He shrugged. "Well if they do the favor of eliminating themselves then it can be an easy win for me."

"You're pretty competitive when it comes to school dodgeball." You sneered.

"Your laces are untied." Kuroo pointed. You looked down, and they indeed were. "Oh, thanks." You kneeled to tie them.

Unfortunately, kuroo then caught the ball and found no other chance to eliminate you and Yaku. He threw the ball at your back.

𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄! ➛ kuroo tetsurou Where stories live. Discover now