Snowball x Basketball (Fluff)

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This was a request by :bugeater67:

I used as much as I could from the information you gave me! So I hope you like it!<3


(This story takes place after BFB. Basketball is sleep deprived and fell asleep on her and Snowballs bed. Snowball being the caring boyfriend he is, does his best to take care of her. Oh and they share a house so I hope that helps!!)

(:NOTE: I'm not as experienced with writing stories so if its rushed or worded weirdly its cause I don't have a lot of experience with writing stories so, PLEASE DONT ATTACK ME FOR IT BEING SLIGHTLY RUSHEDD! I'M TRYING MY BESTTT)


:Basketballs POV: 

Ugh. I finally got home after a long day as a gym coach. I enjoyed my job very much but it was so tiring and stressful sometimes. I walked through the door, took my shoes off and started for me and my boyfriend Snowball's shared room. Me and him have been together since the mid point of BFB which isn't really long but to me, it means a lot. But sadly, Snowball was still at work for the next hour which left me home alone for a bit.

I continued walking to the bedroom finally reaching it after what felt like hours. I guess I was more tired then I had realized cause as soon as I reached the bed, I collapsed on it. Falling into a deep sleep. 

:Snowballs POV:

I was finally on my way back home after a long 7 hours of working at one of the busiest ice cream shops in the country. My job was great and I was paid very well but its the customers that really make me want to reconsider my life choices. I guess it wasn't the worst cause my work was very close to the school my girlfriend worked at and both were close to our house.

The drive from my work to home was about 9 minuets, which isn't bad at all. Saves you minutes if not an hour or two of sleep! I was about 2 minutes from home now, wondering how Basketball was. I knew she is sleep deprived and tries to get as much sleep as she can with work and her friends always asking her to hangout. 

What annoys me the most is that her friends know she is sleep deprived yet, they still constantly ask her to hang out! But they are very understanding of her as well so I can't be too mad about it. I hadn't realized how lost I was in thought, I was already in the neighborhood me and Basketball lived in. I guess I was so used to where I lived, my body just knew where to go without me really thinking about it.

So within a matter of seconds, I pulled into the driveway, turned off the car, locking it, and heading inside. The door was unlocked as well with her car already in the driveway, meaning she was home already. So I quietly opened the door, being greeted by my Siberian husky, Snowflake, I got before BFB. I bent down so I could hug my dog and after about a couple seconds of him licking my face like the dog he is, I stood up and headed for me and Basketballs room. Knowing she was in there.

As I approached the door, I noticed it was halfway open so I just pushed it open all the way to see my girlfriend spread out on the bed, in a deep sleep. I softly smiled and walked up to her, placing a blanket over her before giving her a kiss on the head. Slowly and gently, moving some hair out from in front of her face. I looked over at the clock on our nightstand and noticed it was already 5:35pm. This was normally the time we would eat dinner but I can't really cook but she was asleep and I know she needs it so I decided I would cook dinner for the both of us. 

I was honestly really worried I would start a fire since I am not proud of my cooking skills at all and neither is my girlfriend. Which makes sense since she used to be a part time chef for this restaurant down the street. Anyway, I slowly walked back out of the room, taking one last glance at my sleeping girlfriend before leaving the room completely, and heading towards the kitchen. And i'm going to do my very best to not burn anything.. 

Once I was in the kitchen, I started looking around at something that wasn't hard to make and something we would both eat. As I was looking around, I couldn't find really anything that you could cook without having to use the oven, stove, or air fryer.. and sure as hell, I'm not going to use any of those. So I decided I was just going to have to make microwaveable mac'n cheese for dinner since that was about all I could make.

I grabbed two packets, slowly opening them, and placing them in the microwave. It only took 2 minutes so I decided to go check on Basketball while I waited for the food to cook. Then I remembered the dog bowl was empty so I went back into the kitchen, grabbed some dog food, and filled the bowl for my dog so he wouldn't starve. What kind of person would I be if I let him starve?! After that was done, I started heading back to me and her shared bedroom. Once I was there, I slowly opened the door to see her sitting up, looking at the wall. I figured she was zoned out so I quietly walked in and tapped her shoulder.

:No ones POV:

Basketball jumped in fear as she turned to see it was just her boyfriend, Snowball. "What was that for?!" She almost yelled at him. Probably because she was zoned out to a song she was playing in her head and was startled by someone tapping on her shoulder. "Hey calm down love.. I was just coming in to check on you, hoping you were sleeping cause I know you don't get a lot of sleep.. but since your up, I've made dinner!" She looked absolutely terrified and quickly crawled out of bed and ran to the kitchen. She really didn't trust him cooking. 

Once she got there, she was surprised to see nothing burnt and nothing on fire. But she also saw nothing at all, until she heard the microwave beep. Her expression was very disappointed, knowing he made mac'n cheese. And right when she was about to scream for Snowball, he walked into the kitchen. "Did..Did you really make what I think you did." She asked with a stern voice, pointing to the microwave while looking Snowball right in the eyes.

"Yea.. You know I can't cook! And I couldn't wake you, you were sleeping!" He looked back at her, feeling embarrassed yet caring since he did care about Basketball. A lot. She rolled her eyes and opened the microwave, taking the two small dishes and placing them on the counter before handing one to Snowball and taking one for herself. "Only because I love you, will I eat this."

She grabbed two forks before walking out of the kitchen, Snowball following behind her to the dinner table. Basketball sat down at the table, taking one form and placing the second to the chair next to her. Letting Snowball know, to sit and join her. Which he did. He sat down next to her, picked up the fork, and started eating. She slowly did the same, following in his footsteps. 

After about two minutes, both of them have finished eating and Snowball, being the kind boyfriend he was, took Basketballs empty dish and dirty fork before throwing away the containers and placing both of the dirty forks in the sink. As Snowball was cleaning the two forks, along with a dirty plate in the sink, Basketball stood up and walked up to him. She slowly hugged him from behind, resting her head on his back. 

Once Snowball was done, he dried his hands on a nearby towel before slowly and gently picking Basketball up into his arms. Basketball was a bit startled but let him carry her back to their bedroom, holding onto him in case he decided to drop me for whatever reason. Once they arrived to their bedroom, Snowball gently tossed Basketball onto the bed and slowly climbing into bed with her.

Once they were both in bed and under the covers, Snowball pulled Basketball close to him and started running his fingers through her hair. Not long after did Basketball fall asleep in his embrace, resting her head on his chest. Snowball took this as his chance to close his eyes and fall asleep with her. Before whispering softly as he was about to drift to sleep, "I love you..". 


Why did this take me more than 40 minutes... Anyway, I hope you liked the story! It was a lot longer then I thought it would be..but I think that's good!

Word count: 1524

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