Golf ball x Leafy (Fluff)

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Request by: evilleafyismywifey (I HOPE I GOT THAT RIGHTTT)


(NOTE: I have been having writers block for the stupidest reason so it might be worded weirdly and hopefully its decently sized!! AND I'm so sorry I pushed this back TWO DAYS! I have been having trouble finding a way to write this!! SORRY AGAINNN)

(Takes place during BFB)


Leafys POV: 

Finally, the challenge was over and thankfully, neither my team or Golf Balls team was up for elimination. I was so lucky as well, my team was the second last so if we didn't manage to finish before the other team, we would have lost and I would be at risk for elimination! And that would mean I wouldn't be able to see my girlfriend, Golf Ball! Me and her have been dating for the past couple weeks and to be honest, it's been going great!
Shes much nicer and has a really kind and caring heart behind all of that attitude and anger! "Good job team, We did it!" I congratulated my team mates for the great work today and thanks to their hard work, we survived another day! "Yes! I'm so happy we were able to finish just in time before the other team!" Ballooney said as he put a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him at his words and gave him a thumbs up. "If its alright with you guys, I'm going to go hangout with Golf Ball!" They let me leave and cloudy waved as I started to walk away from them. I waved back and turned around, heading towards Golf Balls team.
Once I got there, I didn't see her so I asked Tennis Ball if he knew where she was. "Hey uh Tennis Ball? Do you know where GB is?" He turned and looked at me before pointing towards her underground factory. "Yea, she headed towards her factory. She said she needed to finish this gift thingy, not too sure but yea." I looked to where he was pointing before thanking him and heading on my way. He was a really nice guy too! Much nicer then Snowball.
As I approached her factory, I took a deep breath before entering. 

Why was I nervous? Why wouldn't I be?! I haven't been in her factory before so I was scared I would break something or get lost! She would be so mad at me if i did..but I tried to stay calm as I walked down the long set of stairs and shortly after, reaching her lab. It was really incredible! It's so impressive! She really is so freaking smart! There were so many different inventions everywhere along with all these different machines! It surprisingly wasn't as big as I thought but for me, it was a good thing. I would hate getting lost or even worse, TRAPPED DOWN HERE! The thought terrified me! As I continued walking around, I spotted Golf Ball and she was.. making.. to be honest.. it was really hard to tell. She was at her desk, twisting gears and clicking buttons. The only thing that really caught my eye with what she was working on was the fact it was green and pink. She didn't really like color pink all that much so i was really curious on why she chose that color. I didn't really want to stand there and watch her cause I would feel bad just watching her making something she probably doesn't want me seeing, so I quietly walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. "H-Hey love! What are you working on?" I asked as I looked over her shoulder, noticing a bouquet of pink and green flowers but these flowers, were made mechanically which I thought looked so pretty! But before I could look at it from a better perspective, she quickly grabbed a white cloth and hid it before looking back at me. "H-Hi! D-Did you uh.. need anything darling?" I kind of felt bad I scared her cause when she spoke, she stuttered a couple times. "Hey.. I uh.. I didn't mean to scare you and I didn't mean to sneak up on you like this! I just.. I wanted to hangout with you.. but.. what you're working on is.. really pretty!" I spoke with a very kind tone and looked at her beautiful blue eyes. 

"Well.. ok.." She spoke softly and turned back around, pulled the cloth back off the mechanical bouquet before handing them to me. "I..I was going to make this for you.. I.. I wanted you to know that I really love and care for you Leafy.. and I'm sorry if i ever said or did anything to make you feel bad about yourself.." My face flushed a deep shade of red and pink as she said those words to me. I couldn't help but take the beautiful mechanical bouquet into my hand, admiring its beauty. "Golf Ball.. This.. This is.. Amazing.. I love you so so much! And really.. I've put the past behind me so please don't feel bad if you did say or do anything to me! I want you to know that you are also very loved and cared for..~ I love you so much!" I carefully put the bouquet back down on her desk and wrapped her into a tight hug. She slowly stood up and hugged me back tightly before placing a kiss on my cheek, making me blush even more. "I love you too.. So much Leafy. Don't you EVER forget that.." I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder, still holding her tightly with her doing the same to me. "I know.. You are too.. So much.. So much.." 


Sorry if that was short! I didn't know what else to add! I hope you enjoyed! 

Word count: 966

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