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sᴇᴠᴇɴ ᴅᴀʏs ᴛɪʟ ᴄᴇʟᴇʙʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

Elliana, Savannah, and Molly were walking in the hallways of the castle. Shelby sent them ahead as she finished polishing the last statue. Savannah was walking infront of the two when she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, I am so sorry for bumping into you Miss." The person apologized. Savannah slowly looked up, ready to scold the person, until her eyes widened as she realized who is actually was.

"O-oh. Haha. It's all good, Prince Wilbur." She giggled. "I'm Savannah." Elliana tiptoed over and placed her hands on Savannah's shoulders. "Sorry about her. I'm Elliana." She giggled too. Molly rolled her eyes at her two friends from behind.

Truth is, Savannah and Elliana had a teeny crush on the Prince, Okay, but who really didn't?! He was the prince, rich, and very attractive. As well as kind and understanding. To put it in simple terms, everything you'd want in a partner!!

"How are you doing Prince Wilbur?" Molly asked as she slapped the back of her friends' heads, resulting in the two rubbing it in pain.

"Quite alright." Wilbur laughed. He liked talking to all the maids once in a while. He was thankful for all the stuff they did around the castle. And it was normal for the older ones to act giggle and flirty around him.

"Please don't tell me you guys are swooning over Prince Wilbur again!" A new voice lingered down the hallway.

"Too late!!" Molly yelled back. An orange-haired girl walked up to them. And Wilbur knew who she was. 

Miss Shelby.

How did he know her? He had a huge crush on her. Yes, a crush, even though the man was in his mid twenties. And blah, blah, a Prince having a crush on a maid? He didn't care! Nor did his parents..who didn't know he liked her. They just aren't the strict type of King and Queen. They believed more in love than money.

Wilbur has known who Shelby was ever since he was kid. It stared when Wilbur was exploring the forest that surrounded his castle. He was an adventurous young boy. Everyone knew that. 

But somehow, in his adventure, he had gotten lost. He didn't know how to get out the forest, or even the direction of the castle. And that day, King Phil and Queen Kristen sent all the maids and guards to look for him.

The one to find him, after 2 hours of searching, was Shelby. She was about the same age as Wilbur at the time. She was 10 and he was 11.

The moment Wilbur laid eyes on Shelby, he knew she was special. Although...it wasn't the best meet on his part since he was crying hard.

Ever since then, Wilbur has admired Shelby from afar. Not in a creepy way, but he would take certain routes around the castle just to cross paths with her. Okay...well, maybe a little creepy.

"Savannah, Elliana." Shelby said sternly. 

"Sorry Shelby." They mumbled back.

"Oh come on guys! You know I am not mad like that. It's just silly of you guys." She turned to look at Wilbur. 

He could feel his heart melt at that moment. In the past 15 years, the most Shelby has said to him is a "hello". And she barely looked at him when she did so. "Prince Wilbur. Very sorry about these girls."

"Oh, no. It's completely fine. It happens pretty often." 

"Big ego I see." Wilbur froze...and she noticed. "I was joking! Anyways, I have to go. Dream wants to ask me something."

"Oh yeah. 'Hey Shelby, want to go on a date with me?'" Savannah said as an impersonation of Dream. Wilbur frowned on the inside. Did Dream like her? Did she like Dream? No...Dream wouldn't do that. Right? He knew how Wilbur felt.

"You know it's not like that guys. We're best friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Plus, I have a strong feeling I know what it's about already." Wilbur sighed in relief, a bit disappointed in himself that he got so jealous over a small thing.

"Bye everyone." Shelby waved and walked away. Wilbur let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"Sav, Ellie. I have to do Prince Tommy's laundry next. Could you both get it for me and leave it in my room? I need to talk to Prince Wilbur about something." Molly said.

"Are you sure you don't want us to wait for you so you could come with us? What if he's in his room? You could finally officially meet him." Elliana teased.

"Just go!" Molly whisper-yelled, embarassed that Prince Wilbur had to hear that. 

Wilbur cleared his throat as the two maids walked away. "What did you need to talk about?"

"You like my sister. I saw the way you looked at her."

"Who's your sist- wait...Shelby's your sister??" He gaped. All this time he didn't know that Shelby had a sister, who worked at the castle too!

"Nice to meet you, I'm Molly Grace. Also. That just proved my point!!"

"What? Pfft. Oh please." Wilbur batted his hand at her. "No..I don't like your sister. Not at all."

"Mhm, sure. I'll believe you- NEVER!" Molly smirked. 

"Whatever. You like my brother!" Wilbur said back to change the subject. "I can actually kind of see it now."

"You do?!" Molly sighed after processing what she said. "I sound so stupid. He would never like someone like me in the first place."

"Hey! Don't say that. I think once you do meet Tommy, it could happen! But heads up, he's really, really loud." 

Molly laughed. "Oh trust me, I know. He always barges into the kitchen, screaming, when I'm talking to Niki."

"So you have met him?"

"Not really. He probably doesn't even notice me when he does barge in." She shrugs. "And why do you like my sister?"

"She's pretty. But also has a kind and sweet personality. I've known who she was since we were kids. She found me crying in the forest, alone. It was pretty embarassing. But I knew there was something about her that I just...would never get over." Wilbur smiled as he talked about his crush, as if he were some 8 year old.

"You hurt her, I hurt you. Got it? She doesn't need her heart broken again. It took her years to get over Noah."


"Terrible boyfriend. Manipulated her into doing stuff she didn't want to do. Luckily it didn't go too far. He also guilt tripped her a lot. Ugh! I hated him so much."

"He sounds horrible. He didn't deserve her." Wilbur frowned.

"Definitely." She paused. "I should go back to my room. Sav and Ellie should have dropped off the laundry by now."

"Okay. Bye Miss Molly. Also, please don't tell Shelby about what we talked about." He begs.

"Of course I won't." She snickers and walks away.

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