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"...So I took you home."

Seeing my unease, Derek was quick to stride into my personal space, planting an arm by my head to lean over me, making me feel even smaller than I did under his intense gaze.

"I'm going to make you cry...and beg"
"I'm going to make you wish you died out there"
"Everyone on this premise answers to me"
"No one will help you"
"You are property"
"My property"
"And I'm going to use you for a long, long time"

The proximity awoken a new fear that I didn't think possible with how many dormant, animalistic fears Derek had brought out of me already. The expertly ironed suit that was inches away from my touch smelled ever so faintly of 'fresh air', the same kind of fragrance you might find on a car freshener or a cheap candle, offering the fake promise of the freshest air. However, the light whiffs of this familiar fragrance expertly incorporated to linger within the expensive fibers of the cloth on his skin smelled unnaturally good. But that same scent brought out hints of panic from within your psyche. Smelled good, clean, but sterile. Fake. You were no longer in the presence of some freak coincidence. Not some random madman. But instead, a shapeshifter was towering before you. A creature that could switch its aura from one terrifying spectrum to the other, yet the soul remains the same.

"You know," Derek started, still pinning his arm above my form, caging me in despite having no chance to escape to begin with, "I remember you saying you're a virgin at the auction. Were you lying about that?" he asked in a low voice. Before I could respond, he snaked his free hand down my thin shorts, making its way to my core, ignoring my whippers and futile attempts to shift away from his touch. His callous fingers massaged at the area blindly, making it clear that his intentions were to intimidate rather than arouse me. "Thought if you played innocent, someone would take pity on you?" he continued to pry, his fingers quickening their pace to the point of pain. I cringed at the sensation, another whimper leaving my lips. In an instant, all movement stopped and the hand that was pinned above me slammed loudly beside my head with a deafening boom. "I asked you a fucking question!" Derek yelled, the familiar twitches of anger evident on his face. "I-i wasn't lying" I choked out, forcing my eyes to meet his own in a desperate attempt to show him my honesty. The anger I saw brewing in him suddenly dissipated and a snarky expression replaced it instead. "Really? That's a pleasant surprise," he said as he continued his attack on my groin "I would have thought a dumb slut like you would have lost it years ago, especially with how well you sucked down my cock the other day." Without warning, he shoved two fingers into my entrance, only stopping when the metal rings near his knuckles pushed into me as well. I winced at the burn that followed and the rough pumping that came after that. My eyes watered, and before I knew it, pain-filled tears started rolling down my cheeks. "Aw, crying already?" Derek asked, feigning sympathy, "I haven't even given you anything to cry about yet, but I guess you're just a big cry baby now, aren't you?" I wasn't sure if he expected me to answer him or not, but I kept my mouth shut, not wanting my voice to come out in the pathetic squeaks I knew it would. Derek brought his arm up again, and I expected him to strike me for not answering him, but instead his hand went to the bolts that fastened my chain to the wall, undoing the lock and allowing my chain to fall to the ground, leaving me cuffed but free to maneuver. Out of instinct, I tried my shot at running for the door, knowing well that I didn't have a chance. But before I could even get my feet oriented, Derek grabbed me by the waist, holding me close as he dragged me towards the bed. "Where do you think you're going? We're just about to get to the fun part!" With a forceful shove, I landed face first on the bed. Hard. I scrambled to sit up, but within seconds I was being crushed by an unshakable weight on my back. "Oh come on, you gotta be faster than that," Derek said in a grating tone, his mouth mere centimeters from my ear as he sat on me with all his weight, "where's that stabbing spirit of yours?" Taking hold of my chain once more, he linked it to a section of the bedpost, securing it in place with a padlock.

Madness for Two (Derek x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now