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Hey Besties,

After thinking it over and reading through the comments on the last update I did (now deleted), I have decided to go with the quick-end option to wrap up this fic, i.e. ending the fic off at chapter 14 with chapter 15 being a bonus smut chapter.

Thank you for all of the support and kind words that lead me to confidently make this decision! And even more, THANK YOU ALL FOR STAYING ON THIS WILD RIDE OF A FIC. I'm honestly surprised that it was so well received, considering this is the first fic I've done in the murder-sim/dark romance genre.

So what's next?

Well, I initially planned for this to be part 1 of a 3-part series, with each part being fluffier than the last as Derek and y/n develop further into a "healthier" couple.

Does that plan still stand? Maybe????

I certainly need to think about it, but it's not a no, that's for sure.

I also have been having delusions of making my own murder-sim game :)
I'd like to focus a bit on that script as I flush out some ideas.

So that's a fun thing I have cooking.

So yeah

Thank you for all the support and bye-bye for now!

Madness for Two (Derek x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now