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My eyelids felt unusually heavy as I pried them open, struggling not to go back to sleep despite my body begging me to. I attempted to sit up, but found it difficult to move my arms. Nye, impossible. Focusing on my wrists, I finally noticed that I was cuffed again, albeit with the furry cuffs rather than the bare ones, both hands bound to the bedposts and leaving me in a Christ like pose, completely nude. Craning my neck, I scanned the room for Derek, only to remember the events of last night.


I blinked back into consciousness, focusing on the methodical sounds of the shower as I shifted back to reality. I was unceremoniously sprawled across the bed, a delicious ache lingering between my thighs and warm juices flowing endlessly from my core. 'Ah yes, it's Sunday,' I thought to myself as I recalled the two man orgy Derek had pulled me into. I must have blacked out during one of your last rounds, but that didn't seem to stop the festivities one bit, evident from the fresh load of cum that cakes my entrance. The room became silent as the shower turned off, but I was too tired to care, choosing to lay my face on the cool silk sheets instead. But before I could drift to sleep, the bathroom door swung open, Derek strutting out with nothing but a bath towel wrapped around his waist. "Are you too tired for your turn?" Derek asked, ruffling his damp hair out of face in a way that made me blush. "Yeah, I'll just do it tomorrow" I mumbled with half-lidded eyes. Derek paused for a moment, before placing a glass cup on his bed stand that I didn't realize he was holding. Before I could question him, Derek helped me into a sitting position, handing me the cup, filled with a clear, light pink liquid. "If you're going to fall asleep soon, drink this before you do. It's an electrolyte," he explained, watching me carefully as I eyed the liquid. Too tired to question his motives, I downed the drink, pleasantly surprised that it was relatively sweet, with a fruity aftertaste. Before another thought could cross my mind, my vision became blurry and fell back onto the bed as I became extremely light headed. I struggled against my body, but ultimately, I drifted into unconsciousness, Derek's low chuckle being the last thing I heard before falling into a deep sleep.


I sighed in defeat, allowing my arms to go limp in the chains once I realized that Derek was not just gone for the day, but took the time to entangle me into another one of his fantasies without my knowledge. 'At least I was chained to something comfortable,' I thought, comparing this setup with the not so distant past, when I was chained with nothing but the floor beneath me. Of course, having the chance to use the washroom and getting something to eat would be favorable, but I couldn't deny that Derek's king sized bed was extremely comfortable. I considered going back to sleep to kill time until Derek got back, but my thoughts were interrupted with a sudden, pulsing vibration emanating from my body. I gasped at the abrupt sensation, shuffling my legs in an attempt to find the source, only to realize that the vibration was coming from within my core. Forcing myself to stay still, I focused on my walls to better feel the small, but powerful vibe that was lodged inside me. While no bigger than a walnut, the toy shook my depths violently, all with no control system in sight. A moan left my lips as the speed increased without warning, the strength strong enough to shake my abdomen from the inside. While I was confused with how the toy was being controlled, I didn't question it long as I expected the pleasure I was receiving, my hazy state adding to my sensitivity. But as I felt my climax approaching, the toy swiftly stopped, a disappointed whine ripping through me. Just as I started to catch my breath, the vibration started again in full force, building on my previous near orgasm and throwing me into ecstasy almost immediately. But just as my pleasure was about to peak, the vibe stilled again. The inconvenience was now becoming frustrating, as I was so close, but still so far. As the vibration started again, I rubbed my legs together, desperate for the friction to push me over the edge, but with the position I was in, it was a poor substitute for my fingers. Or Derek's. As my orgasm was foiled again, beads of sweat and tears began to form from my dissatisfaction. I wanted to finish so bad. But with no one to beg to, let alone help, I was helpless to its manipulation, the sensitivity becoming painful at that point, yet I never wanted to cum so bad.


My mind went numb after the first dozen rounds of edging, my eyes unfocused and wordless sounds emanating from my raw throat. It had probably been hours before I was brought out of my trance, only done when the door unlocked. Lifting my gaze, I can eye to eye with Derek, who was expectantly in one of his suits, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. "Glad to see I connected this thing properly" Derek smirked, swiping his phone, which resulted in an especially deep vibration, "wouldn't want you to be lonely with me gone all the time." I tried to form a response, only for huffs to leave my lips. But Derek seemed to enjoy my silence, taking in my broken body, evidence enough that his plan had worked. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Derek took hold of my jaw, angling my face to meet his eyes. "You know...I got so fucking hard when I thought of you squirming with just a touch of my phone." He popped his thumb into my mouth, and without direction, I immediately started sucking. "Hours of meetings, dozens of staff in the same room, and no one even suspected what I was doing, controlling your cunt under the table." His other hand traced between my legs, tugging the vibrator from my core before hanging it in front of me. It was slightly bigger than a tampon, with a retrieval string to match. I was in disbelief that something so small could cause me so much pleasure, and pain. As the emptiness set in, an exhausted whine left my mouth, future distorted by Derek's thumb. "Huh? Use your words, baby~" Derek teased, knowing full well that I was in no state to do so. "D-derek..." I started, struggling to enunciate words, "p-please, I n-need to c-cum...s-so bad..." "Oh? And what can I do about that?" I didn't have to look at him to know that he was grinning as he said that. "I-I...need you inside m-me" I blushed. "Well, since you've been through so much today, I guess I can help you with that." Despite his teasing tone, his hands gave his own desperation away, as they rushed to unbuckle his pants, pulling out his already leaking cock. Derek maneuvered me to my stomach, crossing my arms uncomfortably, but that was soon forgotten as he plunged his member into me to the base in one thrust. I gasped at the fullness, gripping the bed sheets as I prepared myself to be railed. But Derek was unusually still, his fingers digging into my ass. Craning to see him, he was already sweating, but his smirk only grew as he noticed my confusion. "W-well, you wanted me inside, you got me~" he chuckled. My blush deepened to the point of becoming purple as I said the words I knew he wanted me to say. "Derek, please fuck me." Satisfied with my desperate state, Derek leaned down to whisper into my ear, his hot breath tickling the side of my face. "I can help you with that." With that, he pulled back, leaving only his tip in, before thrusting back in roughly, ripping a moan through my whole body. Without another word, Derek started a brutal pace, molding me like putty in his hands as he had his way with me. He was always forceful, but with me completely incapacitated and begging for his cock, he seemed to be extra motivated to provide. With a few rough thrusts, I was already cumming, screaming in pleasure as it washed over me with no warning. "Wow! That was fast!" Derek panted, his pace steady even after I finished, "but I'm nowhere near done, baby~" Pleasure filled tears rolled down my face as he pounded into me, moaning meaningless sounds as he used my twitching cunt. "God, you feel so good~" he growled, before latching his teeth on my shoulder, biting down hard enough to draw blood. I gasped at the sudden pain, but didn't mind it one bit. In fact, as I felt him suck on the broken flesh, lapping up the dripping blood, I felt orgasm picking up again. "Derek, more~" I moaned without thinking. Derek stilled for a moment, before biting down harder as his thrusts became feral. I nearly screamed as the pain and pleasure mixed in the most amazing way, bringing me closer and closer to the edge. Growling into my shoulder, I felt Derek's cock twitch within me, nearing his own orgasm. With no need for words, we finished together, Derek emptying himself inside me with a breathless moan, and my walls clenching around him like a vice. "God..." Derek breathed, slowly thrusting a few more times before rolling off, "that was great." I hummed in response, before attempting to sit up, forgetting that my hands were bound. Derek was quick to uncuff me, and I was quick to lie on my back, sighing in satisfaction after being denied it for so long. "You know," I started as I finally caught my breath, "you didn't have to drug me to set up your little plan." "Well, I wanted it to be a surprise," Derek grinned, now lying on the bed next to me, both of us staring at the ceiling. " certainly was. But next time, just let me know when you want to use it, and we can set it up normally." Derek paused at my words, but hummed in response before the moment became awkward.

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