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Warm morning light brushed over my sleeping form, gently pulling me from my slumber. For once, I felt rested as I stretched the sleep from my muscles, savoring the first time I was able to wake up naturally in forever. A light haze still clouded my mind from the night before, but besides that, I was surprised how...alright I felt, unlike the dozens of times I've woken up barely able to walk.

Scanning around the room, I was surprised to see that Derek wasn't around, especially since, if I was still on track of the days of the week, today was Saturday, and he was supposed to be home. But I paid it no mind, using the privacy to slip into the shower while I had the chance. Stripping out of my clothes, I stepped into the under the warm water, cringing as the metal chains bumped against the glass, sending out a piercing ring into the peaceful air. But it only took seconds for me to fall into complete bliss, savoring the delicate scents and feel of Derek's expensive shower products, that were surprisingly not the typical 3 in 1 mix most guys his age would have. As I massaged bubbles into my hair, I heard the front door unlocking, followed by someone stepping into the room. I paused for a second, but didn't linger on it, as it was probably the staff starting their chores for the day. But that assumption was immediately disapproved. "Oh! I was wondering where you were hiding!" Before I could process the words, he barged into the washroom, albeit in a much better mood than the last situation we had like this, but the familiarity of the scene instantly put me on edge. From behind the fogged glass, I could make out Derek in an unusually casual outfit, with his hair down and several shopping bags in his hands. "Glad to see you didn't swallow your tongue in your sleep!" Derek joked, dropping a few of the bags at the door before approaching the shower, "you were so asleep, you didn't even flinch when I cut your nipple off!" I urgently looked down at my breasts, earning a cackle from Derek. "I'm kidding, jeez..." Despite yesterday's many ups and downs, the air between us felt less tense than it usually did, and if anything, I was more concerned with him openingly watching my naked body than what he could possibly do to me. "G-good morning," I started hesitantly, just in case he was suddenly against me talking openly, "You're not usually out on Saturday's, so I wanted to wash up before you got back. Are you...busy today?" Derek processed my words for a second, before thankfully, responding neutrally. "Yeah...My dad does this all the time. He'll never apologize to your face, but then give you the weekend off out of nowhere" Derek explained, sitting on the toilet cover as he shuffled through the last bag he was holding, "not that I'm complaining, but I would have planned my time better if I knew I'd have two days off in a row." I hummed, not so much in agreement, but to show I was listening, before rinsing the shampoo out of my hair. This action caused the chains to strike the shower again, resulting in another echoing bang across the room. We both cringed at the sound, and I immediately stopped moving and apologized. But without another word, Derek walked up to the shower door, his hands rummaging in his pockets. "Turn the water off," he said curtly. I did as I was told, shivering from both the cool air as he opened the shower door, and my fear as I wondered what he was planning. But to my surprise, Derek took hold of my wrist, before inserting a small key into the cuff, popping them open with a single turn. I stood in shock as he did the same with the other, feeling the sudden lightness of my hands now that they were free. Rubbing my raw wrists, I looked to Derek in confusion, only for him to jab me in the ribs with the key, making me yelp loudly, dumbfounded by the sudden pain and action. "I'm being really fucking nice right now," Derek explained coldly, his face stern, but...nothing beyond that, "so don't make me regret it." "I won't. Thank you" I said obediently. Derek's good mood returned just as soon as it passed, gathering the loose chains in his hands, before motioning to a black bag he placed on the floor. "When you're done, I want you to change into the outfit in the bag. I chose it myself, so make sure all the accessories are there too~" Before I could voice the many questions I had, Derek stepped out of the room, dragging the chains with him, before closing the door shut. I took in the silence for a moment, before scrubbing my newly exposed wrists with soap, washing away the dirt and dead skin that accumulated over time. It didn't take long before the liberated flesh was smoothed down, and I found myself cleaning the rest of my body just as fast, overcome by a feverous curiosity at what he had in store.

Madness for Two (Derek x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя