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As the echo of footsteps trailed off through the hallways, the three of us were plunged into a choking silence. Even Derek's father was taken aback as he stared down his son, his back tensing ever so slightly. His grip on my arm tightened for a moment, before letting the limb fall back to my side. "Derek! How are you, my son?" he asked in a sickeningly cheerful voice, acting as if I wasn't even there. Derek, still confused at the sight before him, spoke his mind rather than follow his fathers lead. "What are you doing here?" he dazingly asked, too baffled to form any semblance of anger. Yet. The tenson only rose as the pause lingered, the older man furrowing his brow, seemingly more in annoyance than any semblance of guilt. "...Well, my flight was supposed to land tomorrow, but we pushed it ahead due to a weather warning. I got severely jetlagged and thought I could rest here before going home." At this, he suddenly snaked an arm around my waist, pushing me to the forefront despite how desperately I wanted to avoid the spotlight. "Fortunately for me, your friend here was kind enough to keep me company while you were gone." The sour taste of bile ghosted my tongue as I processed his words. Despite their vague nature, it was obvious that he was shifting the blame to me. My eyes went to Derek's, watching as his building rage began to crack through his exterior. And yet he stayed silent, clenching his hands into fists by his side. I gasped as the firm palm on my back pushed me forward. "Your step-mother is probably wondering where I am, so I'll take my leave" he said coolly, brushing past the both of us before any more words could be shared. The second he could, Derek took hold of my wrist, clamping down with extraordinary strength. I winced at the pain, but stayed quiet, tired and dreading what would happen to me next. Derek stared daggers at his fathers back as he walked off, his nostrils flaring with anger. But he maintained control, just until the confident footsteps along the tile could no longer be heard.

Without wasting anymore time, Derek rushed back towards his room, practically dragging me behind as I struggled to keep up. I hissed as the ache between my legs grew at this fast pace, but if Derek heard me, he made no effort to make things easier for me. As we reached the doorway, he forcefully pushed me back into his room, locking the door quickly behind him. I thought I would be so happy to see this space again, but as Derek's anger trickled around us, genuine fear formed in my soul for the first time in weeks. "What the fuck happened back there?" Derek questioned, his voice seething, but still somewhat restrained. He wasn't yelling yet, and I should have been relieved, but I couldn't stop the sudden stream of tears that formed in my eyes, rushing down my face before I could form any words. Seeing me crying, Derek seemed taken aback, but only for a second before his last control left entirely. "I'm asking you a question!" he started, grasping my shoulders roughly, "What the FUCK happened!?" I cowered at his tone, but knowing I couldn't do anything to avoid the truth, I took a deep breath and attempted to speak. "I-I'm s-so s-sorry," I cried, my lips trembling as I spoke, "he j-just s-showed up a-and...I c-couldn't s-say no." "He went into my room?" Derek hissed, barely giving me a second to breath. I nodded in response, hiccupping as the tears continued to fall. Pausing for a moment, Derek's voice suddenly became very low. "Did he fuck you?" he growled, speaking through clenched teeth. I held my head down, trying desperately to avoid his gaze, but the crushing grip on my shoulders made it impossible. "I-I'm s-sorry..." I repeated between sobs. Processing my words, Derek seemed to relax his hold momentarily, just before all hell broke loose. "DAMN IT!" he yelled, releasing me from his hold, only to whip around and punching the wall with all his might, the drywall caving in at the force, "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Shocked at his sudden outburst, a jerky gasp left my lips, bringing Derek's attention to me once more. "I hate fucking much..." he seethed, blood dripping from his knuckles. He looked at me as he spoke, but as if he was literally blinded by rage, his bloodshot eyes went right through me. "I've been good...I'VE BEEN REALLY FUCKING GOOD!" Snatching the leg of a nearby chair, Derek flung the wooden seat across the room, watching it crumble like a sand castle on impact. Flinching at the deafening crash, I was taken aback at the sense of concern that crept over me. "BUT EVEN WHEN I'VE DONE EVERYTHING HE EXPECTS OF ME, HE GOES OUT OF HIS WAY TO PROVOKE ME! DOES HE WANT ME TO LASH OUT!? DOES HE WANT ME TO RANDOMLY KILL SOMEONE! CAUSE HE'S REALLY FUCKING ASKING FOR IT!" Spinning on his heels, frantically looking for something to destroy next, I saw Derek meet his gaze in the full size mirror that hung nearby. As if reading his mind, I rushed to stop him, but was no were near fast enough to hold him back. I could do nothing but watch him as he punched through the glass plane, reflective shards lodging into his skin as the mirror shattered into a million pieces. With nothing but a wince, Derek pulled his bloody fist back, aiming at the scratched wall that was now exposed. I reached his side just in time, holding his arm back with all my might to keep him from hurting himself even further. "Derek, stop!" I yelled, desperately trying to get through to him before he could shake me off. Stunned, Derek turned his gaze to me, switching the target of his anger in mere seconds. "Who do you think you are?! I'm mad, and I'm dealing with it the way I know how!" he snapped, unknowingly digging the glass further into his flesh as his fists shook as his sides, "You want to get involved in this, huh?! You want to be the proper punching bag you're supposed to be?!" In spite of his harsh tone, my crying had stopped, my breath had slowed, and my mind felt stable, even when I prepared the insane words I wanted to share. "Yes" I replied, my voice steady as I looked him dead in the eye. Derek's scowl dropped in astonishment, his confusion clear on his face as he tried to process what I just said, and failed miserably. "...What?" he hesitated, his voice dropping to just above a whisper. Swallowing my last remaining fear, I continued. "Of the two of us, I'm the one to blame, so if you need to take your anger out on something to make you feel better, take it out on me" I explained steadily, hoping that my tone would convey just how serious I was. We stood in silence for a moment, but I refused to back down, maintaining eye contact as Derek thought through my words carefully. "I...I've been holding back a lot recently" he finally spoke, his words tense as he started, "but I'm not going to be able to do that right now." I understood his statement, no, warning. "That's alright" I said softly, feeling a small smile rise on my face, "I don't really want you to anyways..."

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