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I woke to the alarm clock like always, but as I stretched the sleepiness from my body, I immediately felt that something was off. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but a smog like tension circled the room. I glanced over at Derek, who after turning off the alarm, lay in bed instead of getting up right away. He obviously was the cause of the oppressive aura, but...he wasn't angry, or at least didn't look like it. After at least ten minutes of stillness from him, I considered calling to him to get up, but to my relief, he finally sat up with a sigh. Before any words were shared, I made my way to the bed, where he swung his legs off the edge and spread his legs for me to sit between. I went straight for the hem of his boxers, pulling them down to his ankles before taking his flaccid cock into my mouth. Looking up at Derek, I was surprised to see that he had zero reaction to my actions. He just scrolled through his phone with his jaw clenched and brow slightly furrowed. I felt disheartened, wondering if I was doing a bad job. Remembering what he likes, my mouth trailed down to his balls, but before I could make any progress, a firm hand gripped my shoulder, making me freeze up in fear. Did I do something wrong? "Nothing fancy, just finish me off" he said with a noticeable edge to his voice. I went back to his dick, but before I could get my own rhythm going, Derek took my head in his hands and started pushing me down to his crotch. Realizing what he wanted to do, I stilled all my movement and focused on relaxing my throat as he began to face fuck me. Luckily, before my eyes could even start watering, he shot his load, pulling away to get on with his day without even watching me swallow like he usually did. My eyes trailed Derek as he went into the closet and pulled out a full, formal suit, one I haven't seen on him yet. With a theatrical sigh, he sluggishly slid on the stiff outfit, looking especially impressive but equally uncomfortable. He sat on the bed to tie his dress shoes, and oddly, I was overcome with the desire to ask him what was wrong. But I stayed silent, still kneeling on the floor, cum dripping from the sides of my mouth. Finishing his routine, Derek strode to leave, but as he began to push the door, he turned back to look at me. For a second, it looked like he wanted to say something to me, but that moment left just as soon as it came, and he left, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


I found it difficult to fall back to sleep after that, unable to shake the odd, haunting feeling that attached itself to me. I soon began walking laps around the room in hopes that it would tire me enough to rest, popping in my earbuds to add music to my stroll. But after a few songs, I paused to notice a humming sound emanating from the window. Looking over, I saw that the gardeners were in, trimming the wall size hedges and mowing the never ending lawn. This in itself wasn't unusual, but I took note of how early they were, starting at least 4 hours before they usually do. The door then suddenly opened and a gaggle of maids got to work on the room, bringing me my food, but seemingly as an afterthought. I didn't have much of an appetite, but still ate, slowly chewing as I watched the staff scurry around with their cleaning supplies. Typically, they popped in to collect laundry, make the bed, and lightly clean the bathroom before finishing for the day. But this production was much greater. One staff was dusting surfaces, another was sweeping as a second maid mopped behind her, sheets were changed, windows were whipped, and the biggest surprise, one of the staff walked into my personal space to hand me a facial wipe before taking my tray. I sat shocked for a second before rubbing the floral smelling wipe on my face. I passed it back, whispering 'thank you' as they left. It took them nearly two hours to finish, and then they gathered together and moved on, most likely to the next room. My stress grew as my imagination ran wild with reasons for everyone's actions today. Was there a party coming up? An at home meeting? A...police search? Really anything was possible when the rich and powerful were involved. Luckily, my eyelids became heavy now that I had food in my stomach, and the escape of sleep I craved was achieved.


I was suddenly awoken by a subtle, but noticeable vibration in the floor. It was brief though, so I considered that I might have imagined it. I sat up and listened closely to my surroundings to figure out the source. Another rattle shook the room, singing throught the thick glass of the window. With the room being soundproof, I immediately became concerned at what was causing such a force to shake the house all the way here. I turned to the clock, my anxiety rising as I saw that it was hours before Derek was supposed to be back. As another vibration rocked through the room like a small earthquake, I hesitantly rose to my feet, trying desperately to feel more controlled in this odd situation.

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