Reveal your crush infront of everyone

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Flame: Hmmmmmm, I'm kinda bored right now and there is nothing to do. Wait I got an idea! *Takes a deep breath* EVERYONE GET IN HERE OR IM TEACHING SUNSHINE WHERE EGGS COME FROM!

*Everyone but Sunshine and Axel start rushing to get into the ToD (Truth or Dare) room*


Flame: Chill I ain't doin that, I just wanted everyone here faster.

Speed: Oh

Flame: Anyways, we got our first dare and it's from ME!

Black: Really Flame, we just got done with asking people dares and you were this impatient to wait for anyone to dare or ask?

Flame: Yep!

Lazuli: *Sigh* Fine whats the dare?

Flame: The dare is for everyone besides the 4 year olds to reveal their crush in front of everyone.

Everyone but Sylvia and Black: WHAT!!!

Sylvia: Oh that's easy for me! I have a crush on Speedy!

Flame: No one told you to go, but anyways we'll continue with Speed.

Speed: W-WHY ME!?

Flame: Because you were the first person who came to my head.

Speed: *Sigh* Fine, well I h-have a crush o-on...

Flame: Cmon just say it already!

Speed: FINE I HAVE A CRUSH ON LAZULI! *Starts to blush a lot*

Lazuli: *Turning Red* R-Really!?

Speed: y-yeah...

Flame: Huh ok, anyways this is getting awkward so Lazuli come on and tell us your crush.

Lazuli: W-Well I l-like Speed *Starts to blush even more*

Speed: *Shocked* R-Really? I thought you would not like me.

Crystal and Sylvia: Awwwwwww we told you that you guys would make a good couple!


Speed: Hey its fine Lazuli.

Flame: Well I'm tired of waiting so Crystal you go.

Crystal: Well, Speed?

Speed: Yes Crystal?

Crystal: Do you remember Trace?

Speed: Yes but what does he have to do wi- WAIT A SECOND! One sec I need to go get Trace and 'talk' to him real quick.


Flame: While Crystal is trying to stop Speed from killing Trace, let's move onto Flare.

Flare: W-Well I have a c-crush on L-Leafy *Starts to blush but can't tell since he's already red*

Leafy: R-Really Flare? Well, I-I wanted to tell you that I also have a crush on you *Also starts to blush*

Lazuli: Congrats sis!

Speed: Good job bro!

Flare and Leafy: Thanks big bro/sis.

Flame: Well that was nice, but let's move onto Pearl.

Black: Well I think it's obvious who she has a crush on.

Pearl: Love you Black :)

Black: Well since I'm the last one, I have a crush on Sylvia. *mumbles* And maybe also have a crush on Pearl.

Flame: What did you say Black?

Black: N-NOTHING! Just Sylvia.

Flame: Well that wraps up everyone, so you viewer! Leave some dares fo-

Sylvia: WAIT! You didn't tell us your crush.

Flame: Oh, I don't have one. Anyways viewer, leave us some dare or asks in the comments and now!

Flame: On 3 2 1

Everyone: BYE!!!!

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