Body Swap Pt 1

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It is the next day after the day that Speed was dared to go Beserker. Flame was just in his room on his VR, playing some Grooky Tag until he felt a vibrate from his pocket.

Flame: MONKE MONKE MON- Huh? What does my phone want now?

Flare takes off his VR and takes a look at his phone to see a comment from someone daring the Eeveelution Squad to do something.

Flame: Ooh, we got another dare. And it's a body swap, alright.

Flame goes down to the dare room.


Everyone starts running to the dare room.

Speed: So is it a truth or dare?

Flame: A dare.

Everyone: Please don't let it be as bad as last time!

Flame: Don't worry everyone, its not as bad as last time. Today we're doing a body switch.

Black: Well, as long as nothing bad happens, I'll be good

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Black: Well, as long as nothing bad happens, I'll be good.

Pearl: Well, who is everyone body switching with today?

Flame: Well the list I got says who is switching with who.

Speed: Then read it already.

Flame: Actually, I'm not gonna read it, ima let you guys see for yourself which body you're in.

Black: This is why I hate you.

Flame: Yeah, I expected that. I also have to go get Trace and Ribbons for this dare too.

Sylvia: Ribbons? As in Ribbons your girlfriend?


Sylvia: Whatever you say Flame.

Flame: Anyways, I'm gonna go get them, so you all stay here and wait for me to get back. Got it?

Everyone: Got it.

Flame goes and gets Ribbon from her house and Trace from his lab and starts heading back to the Eeveelution Squad house with them.

Flame: Hey guys, I'm back, and I got the other 2!

Speed: Finally, it's been an hour. Also hey Trace.

Trace: Hi Speed.

Flame: Yeah, sorry I took so long, I got sidetracked. Anyways, is everyone ready to start the challenge? Also, you might be knocked out for about 5 minutes when body swapping.

Pearl: That sounds fine, so is everyone ready?

Everybody: Yes!

Flame: Ok here we go.

Flame does some weird hand move ments again, and all of a sudden, everyone just falls to the floor asleep.

Flame: Welp, Ima just go watch some MewTube

5 minutes later...

Speed(???): Hey Flame.

Flame: Oh my Arceus, don't scare me like that. What do you need Speed?

Speed(???): I'm not Speed, remember?

Flame: Oh yeah, I forgo-

Speed(???): Wait, did you say Speed?

Flame: Yeah?

Speed(???): It's me, Lazuli!

Flame: Ok, so are the others awake yet?

Speed(Lazuli): Well, whoever is in Pearl's body is awake.

Flame: Well, tell them to come to me.

Speed(Laz): Alright, be right back.

Speed(Laz) goes and gets Pearl(???) and brings them back to Flame.

Speed(Laz): I got them.

Pearl(???): Hey Flame.

Flame: Hey uhhh, can you tell me who you are?

Pearl(???): Yeah, it's me, Black.

Flame: Ok Black, is anyone else awake?

Pearl(Bla): Nah.

Flame: Ok, if you 2 see anyone else awake, tell them to come to me.

Pearl(Bla): Fine.

Speed(Laz): Got it.

Within the next 20 minutes, everyone was awake and knew who was who, but it was still kinda confusing. Here is the list with who swapped with who.











Flame got everyone in the dare room to announce something.

Flame: So everybody's here, right?

Everyone: Yep!

Flame: Ok, just making sure. So I've decided that since it's already almost night, how about you all stay like this for 1 more day. Is that fine.

Pearl(Bla): OH HELL NAH!

Black(Prl): Oh come on Black, it'll be fine.

Pearl(Bla): *Sighs while having a little bit of blush* Fine I guess.

Flame: Ok, how about everyone else, are you fine with it?

Everyone but Black & Pearl: Yeah, sure.

Flame: Alright, that settles it. So Veiwer, leave some dares for us in the comments. It probably won't be done in the next chapter, but it will be done after Pt 2 to this dare. So everyone on 3, 2, 1!

Everyone: BYE!

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