Smash or Pass (WHY)

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It was just another boring day at the Eeveelution house. Nothing was really happening. Everyone was just doing what they normally do. All of a sudden, Flame got a notification from his phone and already knew what that meant.

Flame: How do we even have a dare? We did a dare like a couple of hours ago. *Sigh* I guess it won't hurt to do one more dare today. Let's see what it is... ok, what the hell is this. I'm just gonna go down to the dare room already.

Flame heads downstairs into the dare room and looks at the place.

Flame: Alright, let's see what we got here... and it's fricken dusty in here. Might as well get Speed to help me with this. *Deep breath* SPEED!! GET DOWN HERE AND HELP ME CLEAN!!

Speed runs down to the dare room and sees how messy it is.

Speed: Jeez, do you ever clean this place up?

Flame: I suck at cleaning...

Speed: That explains it. Well, let's get started.

Flame: Alright, so do you have anything to help clean the mess... HOW DID YOU CLEAN EVERYTHING UP THIS FAST!?

Speed: Did you forget that I'm a cleaning freak?

Flame: Oh, yeah, I did.

Speed: Well, what's the dare this time?

Flame: I'll tell you after everyone is here.

Speed: Ok, uhh, how are you going to get them down?

Flame: Hey Speed.

Speed: Uh, yeah?

Flame: If you don't get everyone down here within less than 1 minute, I'm gonna let Trace date Crys-

All of a sudden, a yellow flash appears, and Speed is gone. Then, out of nowhere, Lazuli, Pearl, Black, Flare, Leaf, Silvia, Sunshine, Alex, and Crystal are all in the dare room.

Lazuli: Hold on, what the hell? How did I get here?

Leaf: W-What the? Why am I here? I was gardening ;-;

Flare: Yeah, I was also gardening.

Black: Just tell us what we even are doing here?

Flame: Hold on, we're missing 2 more people.

Speed: What? I got everyone tho.

Flame: You forgot Ribbons and Trace.

Speed: Oh... I'll be right back.

Another yellow flash appears, and everyone else is left there speechless. All of a sudden, Trace and Ribbons get brought to the room, and Speed appears back in the room.

Speed: Gottem.

Flame: Nice, now we can start the dare.

Black: So what's the dare this time?

Flame: This time, the dare is Smash or Pass the characters.

Everyone but the 4 year olds: WHAT!!!

Axel: Hey Sunshine, do you know what that is?

Sunshine: No, but I think Daddy does. Hey Daddy, what's smash or pass?

Speed: You don't need or want to know.

Axel: Is it really that bad?

Pearl: Yes. Yes it is Axel.

Speed: Flame! What the hell!

Flame: What?

Speed: Why are you making Sunshine and Axel do this!? THEY'RE FOUR YEARS OLD!!

Flame: Oh wait, I didn't think about that. Just tell them to go upstairs and not mind what's happening down here.

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