The Speedverse Finale(?)

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Speed: HELLO???


Black: Stop yelling like that. You'll probably scare them off.

Off in the distance~

???: I don't know who they are or why I'm here, but I sense that they are trouble. *Makes finger gun* Besides, they could be working with Giritina.

Pearl: Who are you!? And give Black back or else!!

Speed?: I'm Speed. And I wouldn't want to deal with the Devil.

Speed: What? That's not true, I'M SPEED!!

Speed?: Well then, just call me Cuphead ya faker.

Speed: Alright then, so how are you going to get back?

S!Cuphead: ... Oh shi-

S!Sans: It's fine kid, I can teleport, remember?

Everyone: You can!?

S!Cuphead: I almost forgot you can do that. Well then, let's go.

Silvia: Wait! Before you guys go, can we come with you? I wanna just want to see all the Speeds.

S!Cuphead: No-

S!Sans: Sure, why not. Let's go now.

Sans's left eye turned blue and the other one black, and before they knew it, they were gone and gone into the Speedverse.


Once everyone was covered with a blue light, they all were gone without a Trace. Once they reapeared, they were in a strange place, but there was one thing that they all could recognize...

ES Squad: WOAAHH!!!

Speed: There's so much Speed- well, me's.

S!Sans: There sure is, welp I'm goin to Grillby's, you comin with me kid?

S!Cuphead: Nah, I'll show these guys around since they'll probably get lost.

S!Sans: Well then, maybe you should ketchup with them.

S!Cuphead: Ughhhh, why your puns. And what do you mean??

S!Cuphead turns around to see the ES crew a mile away from him already.

S!Cuphead: OH SHI-

With the ES crew~

Crystal: I didn't know there was this many versions of Speed.

Flare: Just looking at this place, there could be millions of Speeds.

Flame: Wait, I just realized, do we know where we are even going??

Speed: Hold on, Flame is right for once.


Leaf: Now that you mention that, I think we're lost.

???1: Hey there, you guys look lost. Would you like me to help you with that?

Pearl: That would be very much appreciated if you do so.

???1: Uhhhh???????

Pearl: I mean, yes please.

???1: Alright then, follow me, I'll take you to someone who I know can help you out.

Lazuli: Let's get going everyone.

The ES crew and ???1 are all walking along with each other and are getting some weird looks from various Speeds, Speed was about to ask where they are going until...

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