Eating at Sheldy's (Shelby's)

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*Flare is lying down in his bed with bandages on him while Pearl puts some more bandages on him*

Flame: Hey, uh, thanks again for helping me out Pearl.

Pearl: No problem, speed used to get into these situations a lot due to Lazuli.

Flame: Yeah, I can see that happening.

*Flame's phone gets a notification*

Flame: Oh, uh, can you see what it is Pearl?

Pearl: Sure!

*Looks at the phone*

Pearl: Oh, it's another dare from Maxxim_poke again.

Flame: Ooh, let me see! Oh, cool, we get to go to Sheldy's today

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Flame: Ooh, let me see! Oh, cool, we get to go to Sheldy's today.

Pearl: Who is Shelby?

Flame: Oh, I don't know how I should describe him to you, but let's get everyone and head over there.

Pearl: Alright!

*They head to the dare room, and Pearl prepares for what's about to happen*


*Everyone, despite knowing what it is, starts to rush down to the dare room only because it sounds scary*

Crystal: So what's the dare this time?

Flame: Well, this time, the dare is to go to Sheldy's!

Leaf: Who's that?

Speed: Hold on, isn't that the shellwarma (shawarma) place?

Flame: Yep!

Black: How do you know about that Speed?

Speed: I only know it because when I used to run around town, I would see it at least once. I've never gone into it though, only because other mons thought the person there had a weird accent.

Sylvia: Well what are we waiting for? Let's get going!

*At Sheldy's*

Sunshine: Wow, this place looks nice. *With sparkling eyes*

Pearl: Good thing we came here, I think we all are starting to get hungry. Right, guys?

Sylvia: I'm a little hungry.

Speed: Yeah, I'm pretty hungry.

Flare: I wonder if they have anything spicy?

Axel: What is a shellwarma?

Leaf: I'm kinda hungry.

Crystal: I wonder what they have here?

Lazuli: Hopefully the food is good.

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