126|new life

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"YOU POSITIVE THIS woman will show?" Parrish asked as he looked over towards Argent. Stilinski leaned against his car, looking up at the hunter and deputy.

   The three men stood in an abandoned warehouse, waiting to have a meeting with Sabrina Price. 

Argent nodded as he pulled out his phone, opening the encrypted message he had sent. "Thanks to Carter, I could send this message to his mother."

Parrish looked down at the phone screen, reading the message.

I have your sons.
Come get them.

"And what are we gonna do when she gets here?" Parrish asked curiously. "Arrest her."

"Being arrested is the least of this woman's problems," Stilinski grumbled as an SUV pulled into the warehouse.

"Am I going to regret having you here, Sheriff?" Argent asked the officer as the three men got into position.


Cutting the engine to the SUV, one of Mrs. Price's men stepped out of the driver's seat before opening the back door. The female witch hunter stepped out, blue eyes traveling over the three men standing in front of her.

"Christopher Argent," she purred as she looked the reformed hunter up and down. "Should've known it was you behind this little meeting. How's your father?"

"He's still alive if that's what you want to know," Argent said.

Mrs. Price hummed as she glanced around. "Where are my sons?"

"You'll get your sons after we make a deal," Argent said as he stepped forward, resting his hands on his belt. "We will give you your sons in exchange for you leaving Rebecca Hale and any other witch that lives in Beacon Hills alone."

Mrs. Price hummed again as she tilted her head. "Here I was under the impression that you only dealt with werewolves, Christopher. Don't tell me you changed your code to include witches?"

"My code says I protect those that can't protect themselves. And when it comes to you, I will protect Rebecca Hale."

"You know I can't make this deal," Mrs. Price smirked as she shook her head. Stilinski shifted on his feet as he narrowed his eyes at the woman. "It is my family's legacy to hunt down those devil worshipers and put them where they belong... in hell. Just like it's your family's legacy to hunt and kill all supernatural creatures." Mrs. Price then clapped her hands together as she looked over Argent and the two officers in front of her. "Now, let me see my sons and we'll go about our business."

"To what, kill Beck?" Stilinski snarled as he glared at Mrs. Price.

"You should be grateful Sheriff," Mrs. Price smirked as she turned to Stilinski. "I am helping to rid your home and town of an infestation. Her presence in your house would only welcome the dark powers of the devil."

Stilinski started to growl as he pulled for his gun. He only stopped when Argent placed his hand on his arm.

"Parrish, get her son," Argent ordered the deputy, never removing his eyes from Mrs. Price. Glaring at the witch hunters, Parrish moved to his cruiser.

"Thank you, deputy," Mrs. Price called to Parrish with a smirk. But her smirk fell as Parrish returned with neither one of her sons.

Instead, Parrish tossed down a black body bag between them.

"What is this?" Mrs. Price snarled as she stared down at the body bag. "Where are my sons?"

"I believe that's one of them," Stilinski answered gesturing down to the bag. "Your eldest, Jonathan."

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