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Morning self:
Today is a holiday and I am determined to get a lot work done. Yesterday I thought of doing a lot too, I did somewhat but I wasted time deciding what to study. I will mainly do physics today and some holiday homework.

Night self:
So it's sleep time right now. Not like there's a fixed time 😂.

I wouldn't say I studied a lot today. But it was definitely more productive than the past few days. I've been really lazy lately. But I'm trying to push myself, there are just so many distractions.

I did physics today, I revised current electricity completely and did some questions and some written work. I'll have to do a lot of questions of it so it will be properly done.

My screen time was way too much today. It's really hard for me to cut my screen time, I am just too addicted. I have tried deleting all those apps, social media but nothing works :) it's okay I'll try my best to not use it much for useless things.

One more thing that I am struggling with is waking up early in the morning. I literally put so many alarms and I am still not able to wake up. How do people wake early😭.

This might be a little boring but I didn't have a lot to say. Byeeee(⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ

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