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Night self:
It's been really long since I last updated. It's been normal past days like attending classes and doing daily homework. I didn't do anything extra. Today I was doing organic and I am determined to finish it in two days at most. I am going to work on physics as well because I have been neglecting it for a while because of chemistry. Maths is going fine so far I need to practice more though but it's easier to work with.

I have been just barely managing to keep up with the classes, not like they are overly stressing but they are just exhausting me way too much these days. But a 1-2 day holiday really helps. And I feel a lot better after a little break from all the books.

This is new but I thought to include some tips I find useful.

Someone said they find differentiation and integration confusing. Not going to lie I find them confusing too at times. I have gotten pretty used to differentiation but I still can't hang with integration.
In differentiation, learn all the basic formulas and just practice all types of questions. Do not forget to apply chain rule in every step. That should be enough.
For integration, learn a formula and then do it's questions then learn another formula. So you'll have an idea about which formula you have to apply on what kind of question. And afterwards obviously do a lot of practice.

And on how to make notes, I usually don't make those over the top pretty notes, noone has time for that. Just make sure your notes are clean, have main key points and are easy to understand. Make them on the basis of how you understand afterall you have to study from them. I usually use three pens blue, black and red for making notes. Black for headings, red for important points and rest with blue.

So I think that's all for this time. I think I'll continue this tips section to share tips when I find some.

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