Karl and [NAME] VS Annie and Ginger //PRELUDE//

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It was a rainy night in the Castle of Nations amusement park, Karl on his way to see the Castle of Nations himself. He stopped in his tracks, seeing the famous Castle before him.

"Hello! Hmm, I don't remember seeing you before..." Greeted Castle.

"We haven't met before, indeed. Hello, Castle of Nations." Karl greaated back, looking up at the building.

"You're from the pirate's island, aren't you? Well, Mister pirate—" He got caught off by Karl.

"Oh, no, no, no, don't presume things like that. I'm no pirate." Karl shook his finger in denial. "My name is Karl. Pleased to meet you."

"Karl? Huh, made in Germany?" Silence. "Just kidding, just kidding! So, why are you here" under this rain, Karl?" Asked Castle.

Karl began sitting down, resting a hand on his knee. "I just want to have a nice chit-chat. You see, a thought caught me on my way here." The pirate in denial explained. "I was wondering what kind of deal you have with the humans."

"Deal? O.Ô" Repeated Castle.

"Oh, you know, what makes you stand here motionless and left them wander around freely doing whatever they want."

"Now, why wouldn't I?" Questioned Castle, not getting his point one bit.

"Don't you think that's a little unfair?" Answered Karl, "We have to stay still, while watching them walk around and leave, and then come back, and leaving again..."

"I don't know if I get your point..."

"The point is: why can't we do the same?"

"Karl, you know we can't live among humans. They'll never tolerate us. It's part of their nature... What would you want me to do?" Castle reminded him.

"I don't know. Kill them all?"

"Heheh. That would be a bit too drastic..."

"... As much as it needs to be." Karl mumbled to himself. Castle let out a noise of surprise noticing something.

"Is that blood inside your broken arm?" Exclaimed Castle.

Karl raised his arm to look at the said-blood.
"Oh? Deary me, and here I thought the rain had already done its job..."

"Good eyes! Or... Windows, for that matter."


"... :| What have you done?"

"... O Fortuna... I wasn't aware of that... When he was taken to the... cemetery... So you think... That if he left the park..." Jackie thought out-loud.

"He found an opportunity. Or is on a killing rampage. Or... well, both. Be careful, Jack." Said Castle.

"... Or course... When... I accepted this task... I had no idea what I was going to face... I've never really been out of the park..." Realized Jackie. Chimbley was still knocked-out cold, and laying on the warm ground of the Taitle.

"Is he going to be okay, Mister Jack? He-he doesn't look okay! Can I do something?" Exclaimed Climber, worried for his... friend.

"... We can't do much for him, Climber... The best to do would... Talk to a city's authority... and send him to a hospital..."

"And what about our... our mission?" Their conversation ended, seeing green lights far away.

"Hello again, you two. How are you today?" Margarine greeted.

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