Chapter 2

36 2 23

A/N: TW (For anyone who needs it)

Mention of scars, swearing


Maho Teruhashi was actually excited to wake up this morning, which was unusual for her, but today her excitement was to be expected. Today was her first day at U.A, the school she had dreamed of attending since she was a little kid. Maho woke up earlier than they normally did today, so they allowed themselves a moment to soak in the warmth of her bed before she really had to get up. She groaned as she sat up to turn off her second snooze alarm of the day. They threw their legs over the edge of their bed and got up to go to the washroom.

Once she was done doing her business she washed her hands, quickly washed their face, exited their on-suite and walked to the other side of the room to grab the uniform they had been waiting years to wear. Once Maho was dressed, she went all the way back to her bed with another groan. Maho loved the space, she really did, it was fun to run around the room as a dragon every once and a while to blow off some steam, but the morning back and forth was just so annoying.

She did a quick check of her appearance in her vanity mirror, horns were sharp and pointy, the scales on her tail were shining, her skin was fairing a bit better today. She took off her bonnet, and her hair was fine as usual, still as curly as ever, with the horribly uneven bangs that were a result of an impulsive haircut at three-something in the morning a few months ago. She pinned up the longer side of the bangs, causing it to bunch and curl even more at her cheek. All she had to do before she ran downstairs for the best meal of the day was put on some makeup and put in her usual piercings.

Maho did her usual, some black and blue eyeshadow with elaborate liner, she picked out her piercings, simple cuffs and chain that she attached to the spines of her ears, two black rings for the snake bites at her lips, and small star-shaped piercing on the side of her nose. The amount of badgering it had taken to convince Mama to let her get those was ridiculous, but it was a hundred percent worth it, and Maho didn't regret a thing.

She went to grab her backpack on the way out the door when her hand ended up grabbing nothing, she realised she forgot to pack the night before. I don't even know where my bag is! They thought with panic. She threw open the door and was going to yell the message that she once again forgot to pack her bag, but someone beat her to it, "Your bag's downstairs! Mama packed it for you!"

Embarrassment flooded through her, one of the conditions she had to meet in order to go to U.A. was to get her shit together, and she had failed on day one. They sighed dejectedly, and walked over to the stairs.

The doors to her brother's room opened right before they passed them, and a phone flew out and hit her in the face, "What was that for?" she snapped, glaring at the face of her assaulter. Dark blue eyes that matched the colour of his ram's horns stared back.

"You also left your phone in here last night, be thankful I charged it for you because it was at fucking one percent." Hiroto explained, before ducking back into his room and slamming the door.

Maho rolled their eyes and slammed the door with their tail, which resulted in a loud bang an angry "HEY!" before going down the stairs.

Once she reached the bottom floor, Maho made their way into the large, open kitchen where their Mama was heating up her famous tamales.

"Good morning, Mama!" Maho called, Her mother turned and smiled at her, Maho gave her a fanged grin in return. "Thanks for packing my bag, I promise, I'll do better tomorrow."

They said as they grabbed a plate from the cupboards. Her mother replied, taking the tamales out of the oven, "We'll just blame your mistake on first-day nerves, Love."

Playing the HeroМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя