Chapter 5

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When Vallerie awoke from her nightmare, it wasn't like the screaming, crying and gasping you see in the movies. She just layed there, paralyzed, thinking too much to move, breathing so erratic she was worried Viktor might hear and come ask what was wrong. Eventually she gathered her thoughts and got up to check the time. Surprisingly, it wasn't insanely early, the time on her phone read 6:30, only 15 minutes before her alarm. Vallerie ran her hands through her hair and rubbed at her eyes. There was no point in going back to bed, so she just got ready for the day. Her morning routine was the exact same as yesterday, in the exact same order, as always.

Another pro to having her own bathroom was no one could use it before her. One time in her old house, Viktor had used it before her and that set off her morning schedule, she got so upset that she cried, had trouble breathing and scratched at her arms. What made it even worse was that they were already late for training, and Vallerie hated being late. She headed downstairs once she was done, got the same cereal she had yesterday, and then spent the rest of the morning pacing around her room and dancing like an idiot. Vallerie liked to pace, she wasn't exactly sure when she started doing it or why, but sometimes, just listening to music and dancing around made her so insanely happy she would start jumping up and down, slamming her hands on her thighs.

This morning was like that, nothing mattered but her and the music. She was in the middle of listening to the same audio a hundred times over when Adeline burst into her room. Apparently Vallerie had been called down multiple times, she turned off her headphones and raced downstairs to grab her bag, then she literally flew out the door and to the same car as yesterday. "I am so, so sorry Adeline I had no idea you were calling me." they said as they tucked away their wings and tail to get into the car. "You need to turn down your music, Vallerie. You're going to damage your ears." Vallerie just nodded, she was fairly sure she already had, if the constant ringing in her ears was anything to go by. Adeline started up the car, and off they went.

Yesterday was sort of like a trial day for U.A, today they had actual classes in the morning. The first class was English, which was pretty simple, all you had to do was memorise the rules and then apply them, the same thing applied to most subjects. Memorising was something that was easy for Vallerie, and English was a subject she was already well-taught in. She had already completed the worksheet that was given. So instead of really paying attention, Vallerie drew tiny ducks on the back of her page. There were four ducks, Harold, Georgia, Louis, and Little Duck, each of them had one odd feature. Louis had one eye, Little Duck had human feet, Georgia had human teeth, and Harold had a fireman hat. Vallerie took a picture of them, maybe she could convince Adeline to let her 3D print them, they would go right next to the mutilated bunny toy she made last year. Unfortunately the creation of her fifth duck was halted when class ended, leaving the newly named Brett with a single line for a leg. Poor Brett, she thought as she carefully slipped the paper into her bag, I'll just finish him later. In all honesty though, Brett kinda looks like a chicken. Sorry Brett. Once morning classes were done, Vallerie went to grab lunch at the cafeteria. She didn't like the cafeteria, the thought of standing up and walking in a space filled with people was terrifying to her, the loudness, the smells of the food, all very not nice to be around for more than five minutes.

One of the main problems with the food there was that Vallerie had never had any of it before, she had no idea what taste or texture to expect. She tried to get her lunch as fast as possible, then she dipped out of the cafeteria to have lunch outside. Everything was going great until she chewed one piece of meat that just felt wrong and she had to gag multiple times before she could swallow it. She only managed to eat half her lunch after that. After lunch she walked up to 1-A, afternoons were for basic Hero training, and the part of the day she was looking forward to the most. She was the first one to enter the class, and others entered shortly after. Vallerie was relaxing, just waiting for their teacher to show up.

Playing the HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora