Chapter 10

16 3 34

TW - Blood, messed up teeth. Enjoy the chapter!


When Vallerie went to school a day later, she was nervous, like always. But this time she was nervous for a new reason, they were meeting up with another human being, and they would supposedly walk to class together. She had been brewing over how this meeting could go, and so far the results ranged from "Not too bad" to "This is absolutely horrible I am dying get me out of here." Vallerie wanted it to go the first way, but was convinced it would go the second way instead. Goddammit, anxiety. The morning before leaving for school, she asked Viktor if it was too late to back out, to which he replied, "Vallerie I don't care if the moon falls from the sky today, you are going to talk to her. If things go south, just call Adeline and she will take care of the body."

So now Vallerie was in her car, anxiously searching for a pair of blue horns sticking out among the crowd. She found Teruhashi within seconds, it's not like it was hard, she was taller than, like, 90% of the people in the school. The dragon girl was leaning against the blue U.A gate, looking at something on their phone. Adeline parked the car, "Good luck." she said, looking back at Vallerie through the rearview mirror, Vallerie gave her a shaky thumbs up as they got out of the car. They walked up to Teruhuashi, who had corded headphones in, and didn't notice her even when Vallerie was right under their nose. They waited, consciously quieting their breathing to not disturb Teruhashi, who after a painful minute, finally looked up, and looked the wrong way. Vallerie stared at them, unblinking and totally judging. When Teruhashi finally caught sight of them, they jumped back in surprise, "Oh! Hello there!"


Teruhashi sighed, running a hand through their messy bangs, which had been bunched to the side of her face with a clip that must have been pretty strong to hold all that hair. "So! How was your weekend?" they asked, smiling once again. Did their face not hurt? Vallerie's face always hurt when she smiled for more than 30 seconds. I learned that the man who attacked U.A is working for All for One, nothing much. But Vallerie couldn't say that to some girl she had just met, so instead they told her, "My weekend was fine. I made ducks." which was also true, after enough persuasion, Vallerie convinced Adeline to let her make a single duck. She chose Georgia and her beautiful teeth. A look of confusion took over Teruhashi's smile, "You made ducks? Made? Not found?"

Vallerie nodded in confirmation, "Yes. Made. Adeline has a 3-D printer." Teruhashi leaned forward slightly, "What's it look like? Do you have a picture or something?" Vallerie froze for a second, shocked and excited at the same time. Teruhashi wanted to see her duck? Nobody at home but Kira and her cat wanted to see her duck. "I have it with me, actually. You want to see it?" She asked, still a little disbelieving. Teruhashi nodded, and Vallerie reached into her pocket, and pulled out her creation, grinning. Georgia's perfect white teeth sparkled in the sun, along with her mangled feathers, Vallerie had also added bloody gums into the middle, to add to the little story she had made up for Georgia. Teruhashi made a disgusted noise, "Oi, what the fuck." Her reaction just made Vallerie smile wider, she was so happy Georgia got a good reaction. "Her name is Georgia, and as you can see, she is a duck with human teeth." Vallerie pushed the plastic duck closer to Teruhashi's face, "You want to know why she has human teeth, Teruhashi?" They whispered, "It's a wonderful story."

Teruhashi seemed to be stuck between horror and fascination, eyes transfixed on Georgia the duck. She nodded, a little hesitant, "Sure, tell me about uh, Georgia." Vallerie practically skipped as the two of them started to walk, still holding Georgia in her hands like she was a prized artefact. "Okay okay, so, when Georgia was a young duckling, still unaware of the cruelty of this world, she lived a happy life under a bridge. One day, as she was back to her nest, a couple of mean kids dropped a rock onto her. Don't ask me how she survived, because I don't know. After the incident, with a mangled beak, and with mangled wings. Her duck family was horrified by the way she looked, and casted her away." They walked up the stairs, Teruhashi following behind them, and surprisingly, still listening. "Georgia wandered the streets for days, unable to eat because of the pain in her beak, eventually she stumbled upon a pile of pearly whites that were dropped by the tooth fairy. They smelled delicious to Georgia, but when she tried to eat them the teeth embedded themself in her mouth, rooting their way up to her brain. The teeth were cursed by the tooth fairy so that any who tried to steal them would become mind controlled by the teeth in their brain. Now Georgia serves the tooth fairy, and guards her hoard of teeth, biting all who come near. They wiggled their fingers creepily, just to add effect. They looked back at Teruhashi, gauging their reaction, and found morbid curiosity dancing in their eyes.

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