Chapter 8

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No TW for this chapter, enjoy!


Vallerie wasn't surprised that their teacher was late that morning, she didn't even expect him to show up if she was honest. Her expectations were proven wrong when he walked through the door, covered head to toe in bandages. He's really dedicated, isn't he? If Vallerie were in his place, she probably would have spent her whole recovery period napping.

"Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're okay!" Came Iida's voice from the back of the class as their teacher walked up to his usual spot.

"You call that.... okay?" Whispered Uraraka.

Mr. Aizawa turned and faced the class, "My well being is irrelevant, what's more important is that your fight isn't over yet."

Vallerie pondered those words for a moment, and realised what he meant. The sports festival is in a few weeks, that must be what he's referring to. "The U.A Sports Festival is about to start." Mr. Aizawa confirmed her suspicions, after the class got over their initial shock, the livelihood in that room increased dramatically, students all around her turned to one another and started to chat, while Vallerie thought to herself.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Kirishima yelled behind her, only to be put down by Kaminari, "Wait a second."

"Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Questioned Jirou.

"Yeah, they could attack while we're all in the same place." Ojirou added, their teacher sighed tiredly.

"Apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and the school is safer than ever. Plus, they're beefing up security compared to past years."

It wasn't a bad plan to Vallerie, but she could see how others might disagree. Personally, they were really excited for the Sports Festival. It was no secret to anyone that knew her, Vallerie liked to fight. She didn't like fighting for her life in unseen circumstances, with no plan or direction, but a controlled spar where she and her opponent's only goal was to beat each other bloody? That was totally okay, great, even. So they were glad the Sports Festival was still on.

"This event is a huge opportunity for all students at U.A, it's not something we can cancel because of a few villains."

Mineta voiced his concerns from the very back of the class,"I'm sorry, but why not? It's just the Sports Festival."

Midoriya turned in his seat, "Mineta, don't you know how important this competition is?"

"Of course I do!" He retaliated, "I just don't want to get murdered!"

Very fair concerns, Vallerie had died once and it was not pleasant in the slightest. She would shut down the whole world if it meant not dying like that again.

"Our Sports Festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past everyone obsessed over the Olympic Games, but then quirks started appearing, now the Olympics have been drastically reduced in sales and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition, there's only one tournament that matters, the U.A Sports Festival."

"That's right! And top Heroes everywhere will be watching. This is where you get scouted!" Stated Momo, Vallerie had only known about the sports festival for two years, and had only seen it twice. It was a large event, very entertaining, and could make or break a student's Hero career.

She didn't care much about that, she wasn't going to be a Hero anyway. Vallerie knew what to do for the sports festival, she already had a three-week training plan worked out with Adeline and Viktor, so she turned on her headphones and skipped the whole "That's why you must sell your soul for the Sports Festival speech."

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