Chapter 9

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No TW's for this chapter! Enjoy!

The day her teacher brought up the U.A Sports Festival was the day Maho spent her entire evening in her family's home gym. She was so excited for it, it was all she could think about the entire day afterward. Unfortunately on Friday they didn't have anyone to spar with, Mina said she didn't want to be kicked in half and her brother was just a coward. Whatever, she had her old punching bag, which really wasn't that old and had been replaced many times because Maho had, in fact, kicked them in half. After relentlessly abusing the punching bag, Maho decided to give herself a bit of a break. They picked up their water bottle and walked upstairs. Their Mama was in the kitchen again, photos of garden schematics on the island. Maho walked behind her to grab a bag of plain chips. They took a glance at the schematics on the table, the name "Vasiliev" was written on one of the photos. Huh, interesting. She knew a Vasiliev.

"Hey, Mama, who's garden are we doing Saturday?"

Mama jotted something down in her notebook, "The Vasiliev's, large garden, very beautiful but very disorganised. Why do you ask?"

"I met a girl named Vasiliev in the Hero course, maybe I can get to know her." Maho grabbed a handful of chips and threw them in her mouth, "When are we going over?"

Their mother closed the notebook, "One o'clock, try to be ready before hand, love. We don't want to be late, the Vasilievs seem to be a very prestigious family. The woman I met with, Adeline, was very blunt, uptight."

Maho nodded, she'd try her best to be ready on time the next day. Hopefully Vasiliev would be a little more friendly this time around. Maho had heard a bit about what happened at the U.S.J, and from what she knew, Vasilev didn't hesitate to act when their teacher needed help, that was the kind of person Maho wanted to be friends with. Also apparently they could summon a bow and arrows out of thin air and had "Super weird vine things that glowed." and Maho thought that was super cool, so of course they had to talk to her.

When Saturday arrived, Maho was ready to talk to Vasilev or die trying. Saturday was the one day Maho allowed herself off from training, and she would get a bit of exercise by moving heavy bags of dirt for at least 30 minutes, so it didn't really matter. It was a hot day today so Maho chose an outfit that showed a bit more skin than usual, so the sun could hit her skin as much as possible. The lizard part of her brain loves the sun, and so did the human part. After all, the giant rock in their backyard wasn't just for display, it was for the three Teruhashis, including themselves, that had a dragon quirk. So they could curl up on it together on a sunny day and enjoy the sun. If Hiroto didn't hog it like he always did.

Unfortunately they didn't have time to do that today, the prime time to take a sun nap would be spent hauling dirt in the Vasiliev's garden. They had just finished tying up their shoes when a car honked from outside, "I'm coming! Relax!" they yelled, dashing out the door.

When they arrived at Vasiliev's house, they let out a whistle of appreciation, it was a large house, unlike a majority of houses in this area, it was much more Victorian or generally westernised styled on the outside. Maho got out of the car after her mother, "The workers are in the back, dear. They'll show you where everything needs to go."

"Got it!" They exclaimed, and started to walk to the backside of the house. They looked around as they walked, there were a lot of trees and bushes around, and occasionally patches of flowers that looked a little out of place. She entered the main garden from the side, and took in the sight.

It was as if she stepped into a fairy tale, wild flowers Maho had never even seen before grew from every corner, some hung off trees, others grew straight from the ground, and more were climbing on the walls. There were flowers of every colour of the rainbow, and some in colours Maho didn't even know existed. The stone paths were almost completely covered in tall grasses, and Maho half expected a magic unicorn to come running out into the field. A worker called her over, and Maho set to work.

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