Chapter 3

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No TW for this chapter.


Vallerie had taken only a step towards U.A before she was almost flattened against the pavement. Once she regained her balance, she looked around for the clumsy asshole who clearly had no spatial awareness whatsoever, and locked eyes with them. The large girl with what seemed to be a dragon quirk of some kind merely yelled out "Sorry!" before picking up their pace and running through the gates, curly brown hair trailing behind them. Vallerie did their best to glare at the back of their head, their blue horns still peeking out above the crowd.

I hate crowds and people. Vallerie thought miserably as she squeezed her way through. Bodies pressed up against hers, loud chattering and laughing all around, it was terrible, and Vallerie's only goal as of now was to escape this hell and into the safe haven of the U.A building. They tugged on their headphones as they walked through the doors, and put on noise cancelling. The noises in the air faded to a quiet buzz, and Vallerie relaxed. What a way to start a morning. People sucked, loud noises sucked, and the stupidly bright lights in the U.A building sucked even more. Vallerie scowled and forced her eyes down to the ground as she made her way up the stairs, hand tapping on the railing.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, Vallerie decided that instead of going straight to class, they would take a walk around and loop back to the end of the hall, maybe playing some music, just to relax. She checked her phone quickly, she had enough time, So why not? She thought as she turned left. One thing she already liked about U.A. was the view, unfortunately, the sun was shining through the windows a little too brightly for Vallerie right now. As she walked Vallerie kept switching her eyes from the floor to the window, just to give them a bit of a break, and so she wouldn't develop a headache. She made a right and walked down another hallway. Vallerie decided that she was getting bored of seeing normally, so she switched her vision. Her main quirk dealt with souls and the energy of everything. Switching her vision allowed her to see through material things, and see their energy instead.

Things with little to no energy faded to shades of grey, and allowed the true colour of everything else to shine through, Vallerie could see the electricity as it ran through the building in streaks of yellow, she looked past doors that were closed and could see the souls and quirk energy of each student. Quirk energy was different than regular energy to her, it was tied to a person, and reflected their soul. For example, a boy in the class she just passed had a quirk that related to clouds. Vallerie could see the faint outline of the person, their quirk, fluffy white shapes with little bits of blue, and the being that represented their soul. Soul Seekers saw souls, and those souls manifested as animals to most of them. The boy with the clouds had been a dove, and Vallerie was a raven.

They turned once again and looked through closed doors. She saw a rabbit, a crow, a frog and a crane. Vallerie turned their gaze away from the students and decided that for this hallway she would look outside instead. She could see the energy in the wind, all the little things it had picked up along its journey. They looked at the stream of cars, peering at the colours of metal, fuel, heat, and gas.

They even looked at the city buildings, which were bright with life, but they weren't bright like the lights were when looked at normally, they felt brighter than they looked. Vallerie raised their hand and moved it in time with the streaks of colours on the wind, going up, going down, side to side and back and forth. She laughed, it felt like she was a child playing with their toys in the best kind of way. They gave the wind a wave goodbye as they neared the last corner. Just before they switched their vision, she saw a soul made of blue waters and waves, and a dragon lurking beneath them. Oh, wonderful. They thought. That soul belonged to the girl that had pushed them over earlier that day. As they turned the corner they saw her, a girl with mahogany skin and a matching set of aqua-coloured horns and tail.

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