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She found the book when she was just a child.

There was a forest practically in her backyard, she would run out and play on warm summer days in her bare feet, chasing fireflies or butterflies through the trees while her parents were out working. She'd run through the creek, or climb the trees, or chase after the deer that ran wild through the woods.

It managed to change one day, she had stumbled deeper into the woods than she had ever gone before. She should have turned back, should have gone home, though it was beginning to turn dark. She was young, young enough to be afraid of what lurked in the dark. She had begun to cry, afraid, alone.

"Oh dear, oh my." A woman's voice muttered, the young child looking up with her eyes blurry from the tears. She was a simple looking lady, with gray hair and a plain dress and apron. She carried with her a woven basket, used to gather ingredients or goodies. "Young girl, are you lost?"

Through tears, she nodded. The woman extended her hand to the child, offering to help her. "Come," She smiled, her face kind yet old. "I shall take you back to my cottage."

She guided the young girl back through the clearing, to a rustic home hidden deep in the trees. There was smoke coming from the chimney, a delicious aroma of stew coming from inside. "Are you hungry?" She asked, the older lady smiling as the child nodded her head.

"Then I shall make you a bowl of stew. Come, sit." She opened the door, inviting the girl inside.

Her home was very rustic, almost medieval, filled with shelves upon shelves overflowing with herbs and spices, books lining the walls like bookshelves in the library at home. A fireplace took up most of the wall opposite the door, filled with logs crackling and popping away, casting a flickering light over all things.

Walking over to the fireplace, she stepped closer to a cauldron, grabbing a wooden bowl and a spoon. "Here we are, a warm meal." She hummed as she dipped the bowl into the stew, then brought it towards the child, smiling. "Eat well, my dear."

The young child was hesitant, though ate slowly, savoring the delicious flavors that filled the stew. "Oh my.." The older lady shook her head, noticing a scrape along the child's knee. "Did you hurt yourself while playing?"

Slowly, the girl nodded. "Here, I'll fix that up for you." The lady smiled, flicking her wrist. Pink colors swirled off her fingertips, sparkling and glowing as it healed the scrapes. Once done, the lady smiled, wiping her hands clean. "Better?"

The young girl nodded in amazement. The older lady smiled, grabbing an old book she had left on the table. She turned towards the child, placing it on her lap. "You seem like a smart young girl." She said kindly, "I want you to have this. It's a very special book. Study it, use it well."

"Okay." The girl nodded her head, causing the older lady to clasp her hands together.

"Well then, off you go. Time to get you home. Just head down the path, and you'll find your way home." She smiled, opening the door and ushering the child outside.

The young girl took a few steps outside, before looking back at the house. Suddenly it was abandoned, overgrown and crumbling. It was as if hundreds of years had gone by, turning the cottage into ruins. And the woman, who'd been kind and welcoming moments earlier, was gone too.

She pulled the book close to her chest as she turned back to the path ahead, as she made the short journey back home.


Jangler and Enchantress lead LunaLux into a hidden area, blindfolded to prevent her from learning the location of their current base. "Okay, just a few more steps!" The jester insisted, helping guide her into the meeting room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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