Chapter Twelve: Complications

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I've decided to use third person narration from now on, because it confuses me alot. And the story is getting pretty serious, I don't want to risk any confusion with the readers. But I will use First person narration sometimes. Let's hope I don't regret it, I have to admit I'm bloody nervous about this decision. Wish me luck! *Feeling anxious*

Okay so I wrote like, one paragraph of third person narration and it didn't feel right. So nevermind about that. blehh


Lexie Purser

I am in trouble. Deep trouble. I forgot to call Sam that I will be staying at Bella's house last night, and I guess I would get yelled at when I get home. Fortunately, Bella had told me she had already informed them which was good. Now it's off to school once again, and I should say that I'm very nervous to see the Cullens. Bella had offered me a ride to school of course she kind of had no choice but to drive me there.

It was the usual rainy day in the small town of Forks. The grey clouds rushing west with the heavy rain coming down with it. It would soak a normal clothing within five seconds I reckon. First people that I saw was indeed the Cullens. Bella was always delighted to see them, and it's not that I'm not happy to see them; I just need some time adjusting to the new found knowledge I received about their real identity. And what a surprise, I have history first period with Edward and Alice. Now that he would know every single thing I'm thinking about, he could probably just talk to me without me saying a word. We went through our math class, this time he had sat beside me.

"You should not worry about it you know, it will only cause you stress." He spoke up without looking at me.

"I'm not worrying about it Edward, and stop reading my thoughts." I hissed at him. Behind us, sat Alice chuckled slightly.

He chuckled lightly, then shook his head. "I can't do that. It's not something I can control."

I huffed in defeat, and started our lesson started. Not that I really listen, I just talked to Edward the whole time. Now that I think that I am friends with the Cullens, what will the pack say? I know them enough that they would possibly disown me from the tribe. Would they actually do that? Call me a blood sucker lover? They are way to childish. Will Seth and Jacob hate me for it?

"It's not safe in Forks. There's something coming, an army. They are after Bella." Edward says out of the blues. An army? I highly doubt an army could kill eight vampires.

"It's not just an army. It's an army of vampires." He spoke softly, that only my ears could hear it.

My eyes widened at the thought that it made me shiver ever so slightly. "How is that possible? I mean, there is just eight of you and you could probably demolish a whole town on your own, but an army of vampires?"

Edward looked around, and focused his eyes on the teacher. "We'll talk about it later, and the answer is Ferdinand Magellan." He whispers.

I looked at him with confusion, as if I thought he was just playing with me, but not until our teacher called my name and asked me a question. Edward, the mind reader. Brilliant.

"Ferdinand Magellan" I answered with confidence.

Everyone wondered why I was in senior classes. I was a bit of a gifted child when I was still a.. Well, child. I was smart. So I had a choice to put up a grade, or stay in the normal grade my age would do. I was a junior, and Edward and Bella were seniors. But they were still in my classes. Which was good I guess. Considering the only junior that I made friends with was Christine and Justin.

 "We'll be having a school trip to Burke Museum in Seattle this friday, so you have three days to get your slips signed. So here are the permission forms, it will tell you everything you need to know about it." Mister Budding handed each of the front row students a paper, and they passed it back to everyone.

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