Chapter Seventeen: "I don't know what I am."

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Lexie Purser

"What am I supposed to say again?" I mentally slapped myself.

"Oh hey Seth and Jake. I have a doppelgänger and I gotta go to Italy to have a tea party with the Vampire world government officials and worry if they're gonna kill me or not."

Honestly I'm a pathetic human being. I still think I should keep this to myself.
Getting the pack involved will only hurt them even more, and that's the last thing I want to do to the people I care about. But what happens if I don't tell them and it turns out to be way worse? Either way, both outcomes will be the same. It's hard to say that it's inevitable.

Shaking my head, I heard a low chuckle from Edward.

"You know, talking to yourself would just make you look like a complete fool." His shoulders were moving up and down, indicating that he's probably laughing at me.

I frowned. Stupid vampire is surprisingly calm about my situation.

"I suggest you tell them. They care about you and they deserve to know what you really are. I myself don't know what you are yet, surprising to say. Because I usually know most things." Edward muttered not looking away from his math notebook. I glanced at him with a worried look, and sighed heavily. Bet you don't know you're irritating sometimes.

"Ah, but now I do." He answered my thoughts.

"Edward.." I glared at him. He of course, just chuckled at my reaction.

The bell rang, and we packed our stuff, thanked the teacher for the boring lesson and walked through the crowded hallway filled with smelly adolescents. I find it weird how my life could be in danger yet I'm at school, acting as if nothing's happening. It's like I'm living two lives. Could this be my escape from the other life that isn't going very well?

A low cough caught my attention, and I snapped back to reality. I didn't realize I was still walking with Edward. A sudden boost of motivation ran through my mind. Making me feel way better than usual.

"Right! I'll do it! I have to tell at least Jake and Seth!" I smiled at Edward while I curved my hand into a ball.

"Good idea kid." Jasper said from behind me.

When I got home, I immediately ran upstairs to my room and called Alice. I didn't know how I could tell Jake or Seth. I needed them to be open minded about this and I'm not taking a no for an answer because I'm determined to go to Italy whether they like it or not.

"Alright. What is it." Jake said crossing his arms.

I pulled Seth away from behind me, as he was giving me a hug from behind.

"The Cullens found something out. And I need you to be open minded about this. Please control your strong urge to shift into a wolf alright."

Both guys frowned. I sighed, obviously knowing this won't turn out very well.

I told them the whole story, or at least what I knew. It was worse than I thought. I knew that Jacob would have a rage, but for Seth to also go on a rampage? It wasn't a normal sight that I was used to seeing.

"This is unacceptable! We have to tell Sam! You're not going to Italy! Are you crazy?" Seth yelled. I didn't flinch one bit only because I'm not afraid, and he's pissing me off too.

Jacob however, somewhat the opposite of himself, was calm and kept his composure. His chin rested on his right hand, and his left hand supporting the other hand. He was clearly trying to think this through. I could hear his thought screaming 'Are there any other options?'

"Why would you even agree to see those blood thirsty people? I mean the Cullens are alright but they're different! They'll kill you instantly you said so yourself you aren't confident to take them on." Seth quarrelled, I could see a vein sticking out from his neck.

"Look I need some answers alright? This is the best way we can get that information. I won't go by myself. And Carlisle said if we choose our words correctly, we may get out of there alive." I yelled back.

"None of the Cullens know what I am. I don't know what I am. And I'm determined to know. If I have to go to Volterra to find out, then I'll do it." I pushed Seth aside to exit from the living room. I saw Jacob stand up to hold Seth.

I turned around, upset with the fact that he wasn't being open minded at all. They surely need to understand that it's the only way to determine on whether who this Anastasia character, and whether she is just my doppelganger or are we further more related. That is the main question. Or am I even human at all? That revolting thought in my head makes me cringe. Suddenly, another voice from behind me spoke up in a calm manner.

"I'm not happy with what you just told these two. But I suppose by the firey look in your eyes, that I can't even stop you from going. So this is all I'm going to say." He paused, but had a kind of hurt expression on his face.

"Please come back in one piece. I won't ask any of the guys to go with you, having a wolf in their territory will cause a big war. And I'm not prepared to lose any of my men." Sam straightened his posture, almost like he was the one in charge of this meeting instead of me.

"I'm confident just this once that the Cullens will protect you." He looked towards Seth.

"Calm down Seth."

Seth was raging, his eyebrow twitched up with irritation from his alpha.

Now that that is over. I immediately called Alice about how I worried for the passport and plane tickets and stuff, to my demise they already had it booked, because apparently even if the pack said no we'd still be going. Damn these cheeky vampires.

"I'll have Edward pick you up from the restaurant. I'm sorry, but we can't cross the Quileute territory. "

Dundundun!! Sorry took so long and im sorry its so short! I will update ASAP i promise. I'll leave your wondering minds to think about whats gonna happen next. Till next chapter!

Living With The Wolf Pack ( Seth Clearwater love story!) EDITINGTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon