Chapter Fifteen: Training

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CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY GUYS. It's for the readers who love mystery and suspense. And horror! even though you're not into that you'll still love it!

The last chapter was so crappy and I promise to make it up tp you all. Enjoy and comment, vote please --------------------------------------------->



Lexie Purser 

I've been more careful now that I've decided to stay and endanger everyone else for the sake of my protection. Oh how selfish I feel. And to top it all of, today was the graduation of my friends, Bella, and the Cullens. The thought of just hanging out with Justin and Christine for a year didn't upset me. They were amazing friends but it would not be as intereresting as when I'm with the Cullens and Bella. I would survive. I've been working hard the past week with school, I have missed so much since I kept worrying about the vampire, werewolf thing. And I had been staying up way too late to get enough sleep.

I watched in the audience, sleepily sitting next to Charlie as Jessica made her impresively good speech throughout the hall and I watched their yellow robes sway one by one as I waited for the names of my friends to be called out. Alice, Jasper, then Edward all took their diplomas with such grace that everyone fell silent as they walked up to the stage, people applauding after their turn. It was in alphabetical order so it took awhile for Bella to come up the stage.

Finally, after continuous faces of people, it was finally Bella's turn. Charlie stood up in a standing ovation and so did I, clapping our hands violently as Bella smiled from the stage. Then that was it, it was over. I had to go to the graduation party which I helped organised with Alice. I did as she instructed me to do though I didn't feel like partying at all. And the other Cullens were too fast for me to catch up. I just want to go home.

"Lexie, are you alright?" Jasper asked from behind me while I was holding the box of glass plates. He must have felt my mood change.

"I'm ok." I said blankly, as I started to feel dizzy. What is this? A terrible headache? I start feeling as if I'm falling, stumbling from my own two legs.

"Lexie watch out!" I hear Bella yell before I blocked out.

I opened my eyes, to see Edward's face at first, then the rest of the Cullens behind him an Carlisle. Ugh I'm so clumsy sometimes. "I'm so sorry I dropped the box, I didn't mean to! It must have cost alot of money, I'll pay back what has been broken, how much was it aga-" I was cut off by Edward.

"Don't worry about the dumb plates Lexie, are you alright?" Edward asked, letting go of me.

"Why did you just collapse like that?" Bella came to view next. Looking down, I didn't want to tell them, it's enough that I had them all worry about me.

"She is over fatigued." Carlisle commented. "You should go home and rest."

I scowled at Edward, knowing he must have told Carlisle what I've been upto the past few weeks. I was mentally scolding him in the process. Stupid mind reading vampire! "I'm fine really, I'm okay now. I can't wait for the party!" I said enthusiastically. I picked up the box of broken plates, and started to make my way towards the kitchen table, when suddenly Bella grabbed a hold on my forehead.

"You have a fever, I'll call Seth to pick you up okay?" Bella took Edward's cellphone as he is about to diall.

"But what about the graduation party and, the party!" I whined.

"Don't worry about it, we know you're happy for us." Alice commented with a smile.

"What matters is you stay healthy now." Jasper added.

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