Chapter Eight: The Invite

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I've picked a winner, and she is absolutely amazing! But sadly her brother has been on an accident and she is still recovering.

Her name is : BiteMyAmbition. She's awesome. Credits to her for making the second part of the chapter! Become a fan of her! And sorry if this is short, we're working on it. But we appreciate your patience! xx


VIII- The Invite

The morning came by really quick, and I had to get up from my cozy bed eventually. I almost forgot what had happened last night, with me tripping, Embry and Seth asking me to come to a party. Although, being an over thinker, I thought he was was asking me on a date or not; it doesn't matter though, because I have more important stuff to worry about.

I had a quick shower and dressed casual, as usual everyone else was digging into the food. I was a little hungry myself after not being able to eat last night. Those boys act so weird sometimes, I just don't understand them. Seth shot me a glance and smiled at me, I did the same.

"So.." Jared said, smirking.

"So what?" Sam asked, he pulled Emily to his side and planted a kiss on her cheek. Jared looked taken aback because he was waiting for me to answer but Sam did instead.

"Nothing much." Embry answered, then turned to me.
"Sorry about last night. We had to go. So can you come?" He asked me, chewing on a piece of bacon. I looked down at my feet, thinking for a second If I actually want to go. Maybe...  I looked up at Sam and he nodded. I turned to Embry, grinning.

Sam's nod was a sign of approval. I didn't need it, I wasn't going to go.

"What about the quileute gathering? You get to hear our history." Jacob talks.

"I'd like to go. If it's fine for outsiders to attend?" I turned to Sam.

Sam looked at me with disbelief. "Are you kidding? You're not an outsider, you're part of the family."

"Guess I'm going then!" I said.

"Wooo! Lexie is coming ya'll!" Jacob said with
a cowboy accent, smacking his knee. We all laughed at him. Seth smiled at me, and took my hand. He leaned in to my ear and whispered "It's going to be real fun, don't worry" his breath was so warm it gave me butterflies. Damn it.

(A/N: @BiteMyAmbition is writing this section)

"S-sure. I mean yeah of course." I said, looking away from the intensity of his gaze, his chocolate brown eyes making me want to melt. The guys seem to have not take notice to anything out of the ordinary but I could. Why am I acting like this to Seth all of the sudden?

"Lex you alright? " Seth said nudging me and I blinked, breaking out of my daze.

"Yeah I'm fine why?" I said averting my gaze from his searching one.

"No, I've been calling you for like 5 minutes." He said and I felt my cheeks get hot. Damn I really must have been spacing out.

"Oh sorry, I spaced out."

Jacob decided to ruin the atmosphere when he stood between Seth and I. "By the way, by party, we mean a tribal council party, so dress appropriately." He smiled, then walked off.


I walked to the sink and started washing the dishes. Emily came up, looking at me with utter confusion on her face.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm washing the dishes, it's the least I could do." I looked at her. She tried to stop me to wash but I tightened my grip on the plate.

"I insist." I smiled, she looked outside the window, through the woods and nodded, mouthing a thank you. Leaving me alone there by myself to wash all them dishes. Or at least I thought I was alone. It felt like someone.. or something was watching me, and then I saw it..

A pair of big yellow eyes hidden from the bush made eye contact with my brown ones.. I was startled at first but then realized it was the same wolf I had seen in the meadow before. I haven't seen it in ages, and my stomach jumped in joy from seeing the beauty.

I rushed out of the house, leaving the dishes in there. Emily won't be very happy.

"I'd never thought I'd see you again." I smiled, for a second there I felt like a total idiot for talking to an animal; but I remembered, somehow. It can understand me. I felt the sudden urge to go up to the meadow, and hang out with this creature. Not by myself, I should show Bella!

"Do you mind, if I bring a friend? Her name is Bella. She won't hurt you."

I dialed Bella's number.


"Hello? Lexie? What's up?" She murmured through the phone.

"Hey Bella, if you're not too busy. Do you want to come over and hang out?" I asked, I glanced at the dog.. But it was gone. Bella didn't answer for a minute or so, but she replied.

"I'd love to but, I already made plans with Edward. Maybe next time?"

"It's okay Bella, I understand. Yeah sure, maybe next time.. See you!"

I went back inside the house, giving the beautiful lone wolf from the distance. I don't need to worry about that. I need to worry about the bonfire.

(Editing onwards )

I'm so sorry if it's short, and if it doesn't make any sense, again I apologize. But feedback would be great! please! Lots of readers! Loving it! BREAKING DAWN PART 2 IS COMING! WHO'S EXCITED? VOTE AND COMMENT. PLEASE.

Living With The Wolf Pack ( Seth Clearwater love story!) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now