Chapter Five: Pack Of Wolves

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Hey girls!!.. And guys! This is the fifth chapter.. I would say, I'm not really prepared. I'm just going to write one last chapter before I leave. I won't be able to go on wattpad and upload more due to me going away for a few months. My brother Kevin and his friends dragged me to some camp or boot camp or whatever. So i won't be here for a couple of weeks.. Or maybe months! AHH! I can't bear not to write for yous! It sucks.. Really, it does -_____- so I hope you enjoy this chapter! xoxo

there's a picture of LEXIE above!!


V- Pack of Wolves

Lexie Purser

Last night was a rather dramatic and long night. And everyone knows that I am not fond of drama at all. I just want to stay in one peace. Speaking of one peace, I woke up because of no peace and quiet in this house. I heard a loud thud from down stairs.

So much energy in the morning already? I didn't really want to get up just yet, I'm still appreciating my warm, soft bed. Until a familiar scent caught my attention.

"Hmmmm. Bacon!"

I stood up, the cold floor suddenly beneath my feet.  I walked downstairs, and the boys were already eating my breakfast. They were eating as if there was no tomorrow. Everyone was there, Jacob, Seth, Embry and the other guys. Although I saw one unfamiliar face, her hair was neatly held back by her headband, revealing her dark brown eyes. I walked towards the guys as they said good morning to me.

"Good morning Lexie!" Paul sang in a weird, bad voice.

"Hey Lexie!" Quil smiled.

"Hey guys" I greeted back. I reached the round table, and the food was all gone! The bacon, and toast that I stood up from bed for! Only to see Emily put a big plate on the table containing large blue berry muffins again. I was about to grab one when everyone pushed against me and bada bing bada boom! They're all gone.

"Dammit" I frowned. Quil looked at me, about to offer his muffin to me, when Jared smacked his head.

"Ouch! What was that?!" Quil semi-yelled. Jared whispered something to him and he nodded. I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Erm.. I didn't know Embry spat on it." He mumbled. Embry frowned at him, he opened his mouth, about to say something when Quil interrupted. "Let it go Embry, let it go" I chuckled at Embry's face after that. Someone poked my arm, I turned around with Seth smiling warmly at me.

"You can have my muffin if you want?" He asked. I really shouldn't take his muffin. I'm sure he's still hungry, I can just get something to eat. But I don't really want to say no, something about him was telling me to just take the damn muffin.

"Uh, sure... Thanks Seth" I took the muffin from him. He smiled and nodded.

After I finished my breakfast, I headed upstairs and took a shower. Considering it was far colder today than yesterday, I've decided to just wear a plain long sleeve shirt, some black skinny jeans and my fur hoodie. I headed downstairs, and half of the boys were already gone. They're just here for free food? That's mean. I saw Jake with the girl, sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys" I greeted Jacob and his friend. They looked up and smiled, Jacob stood up.

"Hey, Lexie. This is Bella Swan, Bella... This is Lexie Purser." He said to the girl.. So she's Bella Swan.

Living With The Wolf Pack ( Seth Clearwater love story!) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now