Beautifully Unkempt

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Pitchers and pans in disarray

Toys scattered on the floor

Laundry in piles too much to weigh

Shoes discarded by the door

Churning thoughts circling your head

Whispers in your ear

It fills you full of dangerous dread

Of what is likely near

Inside your head, inside your heart

Inside your messy house

Disorder reigns and will not part

It fills your mind with doubt

But what we tend to overlook

Is peace that comes with panic

It's never written in the books

Because it is so manic

While it is true that the untidy

Can be very daunting

It's elegance is mighty

And it's presence not so haunting

You may not know just where to search

Yet if given the chance

You'll realize with quite a lurch

The beautifully unkempt

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