Saved by the Bell

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The names are all fake but the scenarios are real!


I'm lost in my thoughts

As chaos ensues

It's hell in this classroom

The kids are all rude

The person behind me

Keeps pulling my hair

The one to my left

Stands up in his chair

The teacher is crying in front of the class

Some four month old couple makes out in the back

It's getting so loud

All I hear are their shouts

Joe with no shirt

I could do well without

And now paper airplanes are soaring towards Fred

But they end up hitting Ms. Jeffers instead

Is that vape or cigar that I smell amiss?

I think that you'll find we can't tell the difference

Why Mark is dancing

Nobody knows

Kendra is over there

Picking her nose

Something with Jennifer

Still isn't right

Oh God, is she puking?

There goes my appetite

I'm ready to sleep

And go for away

To a place where

No teens can be ruining my day

There is an old saying

That I now know well

I can happily say

"I was saved by the bell"

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