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Hello there

And greetings to all

This is the tale of

A young girl's fall

My name isn't important

Nor is my identity

To find out who I am-

I guess you'll have to read

I could be young, I could be old

But watch carefully as my story unfolds

However, before we begin

I'd like to tell you, my friend:

If it doesn't make sense

Please do ask

It betters understanding when you do that

If it hurts to read, even just a bit,

Always remember that you can skip

I really am sorry if it is a bore

And if you don't like it

Well, there's the door

Also, there aren't obligations to you

If you don't want to read you do not have to

I hope you enjoy

I just wanted to

Say this is more for me than for you

Also keep negative thoughts unsaid

After all, they're better left in your own head 

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