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I told Mezurin about the blood and he wasted no time going to investigate. I worried I had upset him in my insistence to have him lean on me, but he assured me it was okay. It was early evening when we set out, and it didn't take us long to find the trail at all. We first went to see where it came from-- where the blood was thickest-- and found a short way into a cave where we found a broken stalagmite covered in dried blood. It seems it had fallen on whatever or whoever the blood had came from. After that, we took a short break to make sure Mezurin got some proper rest for his leg before we began following the trail the other way-- where the source had gone after it was wounded. A ways away, we found a small campsite that seemed to belong to the strange shape with the tophat-- who was sleeping near the fire there at the time. Their wound seemed dressed decently, but we left some of our first aid supplies and food, as well as a map with our marked location nearby in case they needed any extra help faring here. This place has gone so long without housing any casualties-- it would cause so much unnecessary unease among surrounding civilizations if it began to once again.


[OLD & UNUPDATED] Skywatcher's Log Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora