Chapter 35: Green Vixen

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Zhou Zishu raised his head to study this beauty, the expression on his face gentle, and asked softly, "Miss, does this humble one know you?"

That beautiful woman chuckled. "Are you unwilling to buy me a drink just because you don't recognise me?"

Zhou Zishu smiled, and said, "How am I unwilling? Never mind a flask of wine, with such a character like yours, miss, even if you want to consume my flesh, drink my blood, this humble one won't even bat an eye--waiter, serve us a flask of good wine."

Then he paused, swept an eye over Wen Kexing and his unfriendly mien, and pointed to him, telling the waiter, "Put it on his tab."

This was the first time Gu Xiang had seen such vibrant reds and purples blooming on her own master's face, and she instantly felt that this meal was so, so worth it.

That beautiful woman tittered, her laughter like a shivering branch of flowers, like silver pearls pattering onto a jade plate; a piece by "Enchanted Song" Qin Song was nothing compared to her voice. The wine was served quickly, and Zhou Zishu said, "Please sit, miss."

The beautiful woman touched his shoulder with a slender hand, and murmured gently, "It's alright, I'm leaving right after I'm done drinking."

Zhou Zishu uttered an "ah", his expression revealing a hint of his disappointment. Wen Kexing huffed coldly, and said, "Yes, this table was getting a little too squeezy."

The beautiful woman glanced at Wen Kexing, and knocked back the cup of wine. Even the manner in which she had drunk it was far better looking than those of others, not a single flaw in her graceful action of picking up the cup and drinking it. Zhou Zishu's gaze could hardly bear to leave her face even for a second. The beautiful woman set down the empty cup, extended a finger to gently trace Zhou Zishu's cheek, and asked, "I'm leaving, are you coming with?"

Without another word, Zhou Zishu immediately stood up and left with her, not even sparing a single backward glance. There was a "crack" as the chopsticks in Wen Kexing's hand snapped into two; Gu Xiang and Zhang Chengling lowered their heads instantly, pretending as if they had seen nothing. Cao Weining, on the other hand, was full of righteous anger, pointing in the direction where that despicable couple had headed to, fuming, "This injustice, Wen-xiong has always felt so deeply for him, how could he be like this, in the face of beauty...of beauty..."

Abandoning brotherhood in the face of beauty[10]? It didn't seem right either. Cao Weining bit down on his tongue.

Wen Kexing whipped around to look at him, feeling for the first time that this dumb child surnamed Cao was this comfortable to the eye, and came to seek comfort with a face like he was about to cry--this time, Gu Xiang was the one to bite down on her tongue.

But Cao Weining pondered over it for a while, and told Wen Kexing with a straight face, "This matter...I don't think it's as simple as it looks, ai, Wen-xiong, I was overhasty in making my comments earlier, don't take them to heart. Zhou-xiong isn't that kind of person, he must have some kind of unlamentable woe to resort to such an undesirable solution, don't misunderstand him."

Gu Xiang jumped instantly, "Yes, Master, don't misunderstand him. See, Zhou Xu's heel is pointing towards you--you can tell that he's leaving very unwillingly."

This time round, even Cao Weining could tell that Gu Xiang's words were getting ridiculous, and he could only look at her resignedly and with some embarrassment.

Zhang Chengling said, "Gu Xiang-jiejie, you'd better stop saying things."

Suddenly, Wen Kexing stood up without a word, turned and left, chasing after Zhou Zishu, leaving the three of them to glance at each other. Gu Xiang swallowed, and whispered, "My master is desperate, now."

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