Chapter 56: Black Crow

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After returning to his room, Zhang Chengling tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. The shadows of the tree with budding branches by the window fell across the paper, and when the wind started to blow, the rustling was non-stop. The "moon above the willow branches, the graceful sway of the shadows" of usual had, in this night, turned into "ghosts and demons, teeth bared and claws dancing".

At first, he still tried to recite the mantra as he sat there, head bobbing--this habit had been looked down upon innumerable times by those two men. Senior Wen had said, If you have to recite this thing to memorise it, stammering and without leaving a single word out, how can you integrate it into your understanding and know it inside and out? His shifu was even more direct, expressing in very simple terms that once he understood it and practiced it, he would naturally know it--in his life, he had never seen anyone memorise a simple mantra more strenuously than they memorised the Four Books and Five Classics. Evidently, Zhang Chengling's stupidity inspired innovation.

Then Zhang Chengling suddenly recalled that both shifu and Senior Wen had gone out, and it was almost as though he was all alone in such an enormous inn. He began to worry, the sense that something was about to happen hanging over him; feeling uneasy, he tugged the bed curtains closed and pulled the blanket over his head, as though he would be safe like this--his way of thinking was incomprehensible.

He waited for a long time, pricking up his ears to listen for movement in his shifu's room next door--of course, he had completely overlooked the fact that given his abilities, he could not have detected it even if Zhou Zishu had returned--like an anxious bunny. He waited for most of the night, but did not hear a single stirring. Eventually, unable to withstand the longing his upper and lower eyelids had for each other, he nodded off drowsily.

Only on the second morning, when he was roused by the noises of the guests in the other rooms rising from bed, did Zhang Chengling scramble from bed and run to his shifu's room. Subsequently, he discovered with disappointment that the blanket and the pillow were cold--the two men really had not returned for the night. The waiter of the inn came upstairs to greet him, and Zhang Chengling could not do anything but head downstairs on his own for breakfast.

He was dejected and unable to lift his spirits. He found himself to be a little useless; at fifteen, sixteen, he was already a grown youth, his trousers growing shorter by the day, but yet his abilities always seemed to be stagnating. Uncle Li had saved his life, then he had met shifu, and then shifu had escorted him to Taihu, he had followed Uncle Zhao to Dongting, and found shifu again...

It was almost as if no matter where he went, no matter what he did, it was never of his own volition, but he was merely following in someone else's tracks obtusely.

Zhang Chengling munched on the bun distractedly. For the first time in his life, he was contemplating this question of how he should make his own way in life.

Right at this moment, the sound of a small commotion came from the doorway. Zhang Chengling held the bun in his mouth, turned his head to look over in that direction, and was stunned along with the rest of the people in the inn.

He saw ten-odd women enter the inn; each and every one of the women was dressed in black, looking like a flock of crows that had flown in together as one. He couldn't tell their ages or see their faces either--because every one of them was wearing a mask that resembled those crudely-made faces of a smiling doll that one would buy at a street stall for children during festivities. However, apart from a smile, bloodstains hung on the corners of the lips of these tragically pale dolls too. With their wide eyes, they looked like little demons.

The person in the lead cast the stunned waiter a sidelong glance, and ordered coldly, "Serve a bowl of vegetarian noodles per head. If you take one more look, I'll dig your eyes out!"

FW (Eng)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon