Chapter 72: Exposed

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Cao Weining flew over, then brushed aside the weapon the Scorpion had shot at Mo Huaiyang. Watching him step forward, Zhang Chengling subconsciously motioned to get up, only to be pushed back down by Gu Xiang.

She sucked in a deep breath, though it felt like it couldn't sink down into her chest, getting stuck there alongside the scent of the forest vegetation. Her fingers trembled slightly, their tips unconsciously squeezing the clothes on Zhang Chengling's shoulder. "Don't move," she whispered. "None of you move."

Cao Weining's sudden appearance had everyone startled in his wake, except for Zhao Jing, who reacted immediately. "Where's the rat that's hiding its head and sneak attacking?!"

Someone beside him quickly understood, flashing his weapon as if facing a massive foe. "Careful, everyone!" he shouted. "Watch out for ambush from the evil Ghosts!"

The recent hostile, arguing atmosphere in the crowd changed once again. The Scorpion hiding in the darkness had swiftly evacuated after their strike, not caring whether they had succeeded or not, to the point that the mob couldn't even catch the assassin.

Gu Xiang watched clearly, the inside of her head a mess. Cao Weining going out right now had been a huge mistake. With the situation like so, there was someone like Zhao Jing, who would most likely use the issue to advance his own goals, and like Mo Huaiyang, who had deep schemes and unfathomable secrets, and like Ye Baiyi, who had rushed over to conceitedly look for trouble...

Mo Huaikong, who had just been thinking to snatch power using Ye Baiyi's appearance, promptly realized that now was not a good time, since they were all currently still standing on the border of Ghost Valley and everything had turned into trouble. Upon seeing Cao Weining right now, he didn't think much more on it, merely frowning.

He knew what was going on with Cao Weining, Gu Xiang, and the rest, so he hurriedly called out, "Why did you only now catch up, you brat? Were you using your feet to embroider this whole time? Get over here!"

This made it seem like he had simply been sent by his shishu to go do something.

Even though Cao Weining really wasn't the brightest, he wasn't stupid. He verbally agreed, then quietly walked behind Mo Huaikong.

However, if things were so simple, Gu Xiang wouldn't have instantly been out of ideas; others didn't care, but Feng Xiaofeng was still around. He remembered that she had blinded Gao Shannu with poison, and considered Cao Weining to be a jackal of the same pack. Seeing him was akin to seeing his father-killing nemesis. "You still have the face to show up in front of everyone, Cao Weining?!" he shrieked. "You've taught up a really good disciple, Mo! He's buddied up with a demon, been seduced by beauty, and aids evil-doers!"

Cao Weining stopped in his tracks, thinking, It's all over.

Hearing that, Mo Huaiyang's gaze fell upon Cao Weining, face slightly dark. "What's going on? Where have you gone to?"

"Shifu, I ran into a few friends from Nanjiang, and helped them to handle some dregs of the Black Shamans," the other answered respectfully. "I had accidentally cut off contact with shishu. I didn't know that everyone was here, nor did I expect to have the fortune to meet with you, since I came to find Yo... H... Hero Ye."

None of that was false, actually. He hadn't told the total truth, but his body language wasn't flustered, and his road of thought was clear and reasonable. After this, he clasped his fist towards Ye Baiyi. "Hero Ye, this humble one was entrusted by another to request something of you."

Ye Baiyi gave him a rather surprised look. "Who did? What is it?"

"There's a friend that's been heavily injured, and needs to heal somewhere extremely cold. They're wondering if Changming Mountain's sacred site could be borrowed for it..."

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