Chapter 75: Finale (I)

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Zhao Jing's horse was in the lead as he brought them up Fengya Mountain. "No need to worry, everyone," he shouted. "The evil Ghosts are no better than..."

His voice suddenly trailed off, and he appeared apprehensive as he raised his head to look in Yama Hall's direction. He saw a group of Ghosts in gray file out; they made no noise when they walked, as if their feet never hit the ground, partitioned by air. Both sides stood solemnly. A ghost-faced banner silently rose, billowing viciously in the wind, the hazy, setting sun dying it a blood-like color.

A tall, jade-like man donning long, dark red robes stood on the other side. Hands encased inside his spacious sleeves, his head was down, and he had some inattentiveness, as though he was in a daze whilst he viewed something unknown.

With a raise of his hand, everyone stopped in their tracks along with Zhao Jing, hemming in on observing the man. Looking at the environs, Lao Meng was standing a little further in, nearly overlooked by others while the man in red drew in all gazes. Like he had been disturbed, the latter slowly turned around, allowing them to get a vivid view.

"It's you?!" Zhao Jing cried out.

Wen Kexing raised his brow. "Ah, Hero Zhao. It's been a while," he answered softly.

He had seen Wen Kexing not just once before this, but on this meeting, he felt like the soul inside the other's shell had been switched out. No matter how he viewed him, he looked grotesque, making him slightly aghast. Wen Kexing slowly descended the stone stairs, and it seemed like every step forward he took had a compelling pressure. Zhao Jing involuntarily took a step back, thereafter forcing himself to bear with it. "You... you're the..."

Wen Kexing gave a mn. "My trifling, untalented self is indeed that evil-filled boss of the Ghosts that everyone's been talking about," he explained, very understanding of the other's emotions. "I hope everybody can forgive me for all that disrespect from before."

Zhao Jing had witnessed his moves a few times and knew that his martial arts were decent, yet still wasn't taking such a young man seriously in any way, merely feeling that something was off about this situation. Before he could think deeply on that, however, someone leapt into the air behind him. "You're a bastard just pretending to be powerful!" he shouted.

With no time to stop him, Zhao Jing only caught sight of that elder being one of Qingfeng Sword Sect's 'Huai' generation, Mo Huaifeng. Zhao Jing's thoughts turned around; he knew that because of what had happened with Cao Weining, Mo Huaikong had turned back before the fight. This was Mo Huaiyang scouting for dignity by putting a half-hand out, then quietly shrinking back with the intention to observe from a safe spot.

Mo Huaifeng didn't care that he was possibly being taken advantage of for being lower in rank. Not being polite with anybody, he drew out his longsword, then went for Wen Kexing like a storm. In front of everyone's eyes, the red-clothed man went down the steps as casually as ever, not dodging, looking as if even the width between each of his steps was invariable. Then, all of a sudden, Mo Huaifeng let out a heart-splitting scream, and his entire body collapsed to one side.

Wen Kexing's hands were still hung parallel to him, the smile he had completely unchanged. Zhao Jing hadn't even seen how he had moved.

Mo Huaifeng fell to the ground, twitching all over non-stop. A couple of gray Ghosts standing nearby shifted to encircle him, eager excitement showing on their faces, yet they dared not to move, only peering at Wen Kexing impatiently.

The latter inclined his head towards them. "It's already gotten to this hour," he said, softly. "Why are you still being polite?"

Zhao Jing and the rest didn't understand his implication, at first. In the wake of his command, the Ghosts surrounding Mo Huaifeng suddenly shrieked inhumanly, then pounced on the man that was unable to resist like a bunch of children massing together to play with a bug. In no more than a blink of the eye, Mo Huaifeng was torn apart, his entire body cut into pieces — he could not possibly be more dead.

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