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After finishing shopping, everyone leaves to their respective homes. Aditya, ishika and ruhi goes to Singhania mansion and rest goes to goenka mansion.

In car,

Jan-: Ruhi is so cute na...

Anu-: and beautiful also...

Avu-: yeah my baby is... She is same like her dad, full carbon copy of Siddharth... Her eyes, face, smile, anger, cuteness everything is just like Siddharth infact she too get's annoyed on small matters like her dad and she's very stubborn just like him... And you guy's know what her hairs are same like me... She tells them excitedly while they all gives her a small smile.

Jan-: avu... You don't have any problem in marrying him...?? With his daughter...?? She asks her while Avu shakes her head in no.

Avu-: no I don't have any problem because I love him, yeah I was upset when I got to know that he was married and has a daughter but afterwards I got to know that he's divorced and a single parent and hates his ex wife so then why I would have problem...

Jan-: ohkk... But Avu then too I mean you love him and he has a daughter who is from his first wife who hurted your love and she's their daughter so don't you hate ruhi...??

Avu-: no she doesn't deserve hatred from anyone... What was the fault of that innocent soul..?? She hasn't done anything for which she should suffer, there's not even a bit hatred for my baby in my heart... I love her more than myself, just because of her biological mother I can't hate my baby... Afterall she's a part of my love, siddharth only so how can I hate her... Yeah she must be having some traits of her biological mother too but overall she's a seed of my Siddharth only, she's his blood and she's just like her dad, I hadn't notice any features of her biological mother in my baby and it's good only... I literally hate her biological mother so much that I don't have words for her like how she can leave so loving and caring husband like Siddharth and so cute daughter like Ruhi... I'm glad that I became an important part of both of their lives... You know jannat, he told me yesterday that I'll be Ruhi's mom legally, I'm so happy na... And even my angel can't live without me like I can't live without her, she got very upset when she got to know that she can't live with me till 20 day's... But then I explained her and we spend lot's of time together... I'm waiting for the day when I'll be with my daughter 24*7... It was so beautiful feeling when she called me mumma for the first time and she's the reason I'm getting married to my love... You all know I always craved for mom, dad's time, i always waited to spend sometime with them, I felt so lonely at home because neither my mom dad stays at home for long time nor I have siblings who could stay with me always, that loneliness is also getting filled now, Siddharth mom, dad always treats me and loves me like their daughter, infact Aditya and Ishika too loves me a lot and we three shares bro Sis bond, I got every relation, love and most important time of my loved ones there... So now you only tell me that how should I hate that innocent pure soul who's the reason of my happiness, because of whom I got everything... She tells them while they all were speechless and feeling bad. Avu smiles to herself when she receives a call from Siddharth. She smiles looking at the caller ID. Ashi notices it.

Ashi-: who's it...??

Avu-: Siddharth...

Anu-: pick fast na and put the call on speaker... She says impatiently while Avu nods and picks it up.

Avu-: hello...

Sid-: Avneet what you did yrr...?? He asks her with irritated voice.

Avu(confusingly)-: what I did...??

Sid-: you shopped too much for rooh... Are you gone out of your mind or what..??

Avu-: so what's the problem in it... I already told you that I will buy whatever I want to buy for my daughter and whatever she wants...

Sid-: but you had done shopping for her of almost 50 lacs rupees(A/n-: guy's it's just my imagination, don't judge me as it's a story and anything can happen in it.) And too from your credit card... I had given my black credit card to Aditya and told him pin then why you hadn't let him pay... He literally shouts upon Avu.

Avu-: because I had done shopping for my daughter, not for you... And next time if I shop for you na then I'll pay from your card... And haa don't show me your this richness, multibillionaire attitude to me again or else I'll burn all your money and wealth... I'm enough capable to pay for my expenses... She says to him while controlling her anger.

Sid-: shut up... just shut up Avneet I'm not stopping you from buying anything for princess but you should pay with my card rather than yours... Don't forget that you're still Avneet Goenka not Avneet Singhania that you spend so much on Rooh... He says to her.

Avu-: but you had only told me yesterday na that she's my daughter, our daughter... I have more rights on her than anyone else then can't a mother pay for her kid's expenses...

Sid-: surely you can but after our wedding not before it... You know why I'm so much angry and why I'm shouting upon you...??

Avu-: why...??

Sid-: because your dad has came here in my office sometime ago and he created a scene over here that how in my love his daughter (avu)is spending his money on my daughter (ruhi)... He tells her everything while Avu was shocked to the core.

Avu(shocked)-: what...??

Sid-: yeah... See Avneet I had already transferred the money to his account now please I request you don't shop anything for my daughter from your or your dad's money... As Ruhi's mom and my to be wife use my card for both of your expenses... And I had asked to make another black card for you but it will take time so till then use my card... I don't again want any scene... He says to her and cuts the call while Avu was fully shocked even she forget that her phone was on speaker and her cousins too have heard everything.

As soon as they reaches, Avu storms out from the car and goes inside and tells Everything to her mom and dadi. She confronts, shout upon her dad for whatever he did but his dad wasn't feeling guilty. He was just saying that whatever he did was right and she doesn't need to waste their money on Ruhi. Avu was shocked listening him that how her dad could say like this. They both have a heated argument and the last word from Avu was "I hate you dad" and she storms to her room with anger and tear filled eyes.


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