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Avu comes back wearing a crop top and shorts while Sid too goes and after getting freshnup and comes out changing into a simple tshirt with a jacket and jeans, they both goes downstairs to restaurant only to meet with Karan and manjul. Sid rolls his eyes annoyedly. They 4 moves towards the table near the poolside as Avu wanted to enjoy the open roof dinning. They all settles down on a circular table, Avu was sitting between Sid and karan.

Avu-: woah what a coincidence... We both are wearing same color outfits... She says to Karan gaining the trio's attention. Sid looks at them and now he noticed Avu was wearing a sleeveless pink crop top with denim blue hot pants and then look at Karan who was wearing pink tshirt and blue jeans.

Karan-: yeah and that's not a coincidence but because we have heart to heart connection... Now tell me what you wanna eat, let's give order...

Avu-: yeah I totally forget... Let's order any dish of here only... She says while giving him the menu card.

Karan-: I don't have any idea about here's dish... He says to her nervously while Avu looks at manjul with hopeful eye's but he too shakes his head having no clue. Avu looks at both of them with disappointment.

Avu-: no worries... Let's order something Indian only waise bhi our Indian food is the bestest... She says to them while they both looks at her apologetically and she blinks their eyes in assurance.

Avu was about to open the menu card when Sid snatches it from her and orders food for all of them.

Avu-: you have eaten before what you had ordered...?? She asks him while Sid nods and starts using his mobile while Avu looks at him amusingly. Best hubby... I love you... She says and kisses his cheek while Sid looks at her with frown thinking what was there to be so happy in it but he shrugs it off thinking that she's a kiddo by heart and she finds happiness in small things also.

After sometime, their food arrives and they all starts eating it while Avu and manjul was continuously praising the food. It was really very delicious. They all were eating food when chilly winds touches them making Avu shiver. She regrets for wearing crop top and having dinner outside in the open resturant rather than inside restaurant. She starts rubbing her right arm from left hand and continues eating fastly to go back to her room. Sid notices her and shooks his head at her.

Sid-: avneet stand up... He says to her while standing up. Avu looks at him with frown and then at her friends who too were looking at them only. She do as he say.

Sid takes off his jacket and makes her wear it. Avu thanks him while Sid nods slightly and sits back at his chair and starts eating again. Avu too sits back at her chair but this time shifting her chair closer to his chair and starts eating while smiling at him. Sid feeling someone's gaze on himself looks at her to find her staring him dreamily. He puts his hand on her chair and raise his both eyebrows questioningly but doesn't get any reply. He shakes her slightly making her come out from her sidland. Avu looks at him and then looks down blushingly. Sid picks his spoon and makes her eat one spoonful from his plate. Avu founds it more delicious so she shifts her plate otherside and starts eating from his plate with same fork while Sid doesn't protest against it. They both were enjoying the food while chit chatting. While Karan and manjul wasn't at all liking both of theirs closeness. Karan wasn't liking it because he loves Avu from childhood and Manjul because Siddharth is his enemy and Avu is his friend and he can't see him happy but he has kept mum only because of Avu. After dinner, Avu was about to go to her room with sid when Karan stops her saying.

Karan-: avi... Let's go on a walk then I'll drop you to your room... He says to her ignoring Sid's glare.

Avu-: no I don't want to... I'm tired today so I wanna sleep... We'll go someother day... Bye.. good night... And saying this she goes to her room with Sid without even waiting for his reply.


In Sidneet's room,

Sid-: don't you wanna change your clothes...?? He asks to Avu who directly lays down on bed.

Avu-: naah... Not in a mood...

Sid-: shut up and go and change... You'll not be comfortable in it..

Avu-: I'm comfortable and I don't have any problem sleeping while wearing this and if you have any problem in my dress so there is my suitcase take out one dress and change my clothes with your hands only... She says to him bluntly without any shame and closes her eyes to sleep.

Sid(murmurs)-: shameless creature... He murmurs to himself which was audible to Avu and sits on the other side of bed while Avu who listens it gets up and sits on bed on her knees.

Avu-: What's shameless in it..?? You're my husband not some stranger and you have full right to see me fully without any hesitation... She says to him while Sid looks at her and she was about to lay down back when Sid holds her by both arms and makes her stay back on her knees in sitting position.

Sid-: don't you have any shame or what...?? You're a girl and you're speaking all this carelessly without any shame or nervousness... Don't you feel embarrassment by all your shameless talks...??

Avu-: what's there to be embarrassed...?? Aree I'm not saying all this things infront of any stranger or any elder or infront of someone from our family, relatives or friends... I'm just saying all this infront of you and you're my husband so why should I feel embarrassing...??

Sid-: but still... You're a girl and I'm a men... And our relation is also not like other couples in whom romance is common and everything has happened between both of us... How much I try to make the environment and situation easy and comfortable, you make it more complicated and awkward by your silly acts... He scolds her while Avu shifts lil back from him.

Avu-: I don't do anything like this... I always, all time try to make you more than comfortable and happy with me... It's not my fault if my nature and behaviour is carefree like this only... It's not my mistake but I don't know why I can't able to control myself and my emotions infront of you... It comes out automatically without any thoughts... She says to him while looking down.

Sid-: it's oky... You don't need to control your emotions, I don't have any problem in it... Just control your tongue, you speak shamelessly without thinking anything...

Avu-: it's totally fine when it's only infront of you... Right...??

Sid-: you're not going to improve...?? Are you...?? He asks her while she shakes her head in no cutely. You're seriously crazy Avneet... He says to her while shaking his head at her in disbelief.

Avu-: only for you... I love you... She says and hugs him by his torso while Sid hugs her back and automatically his lips curves up into smile.


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