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Five more days passed, it was the second last day of their honeymoon and nothing has happened between both of them except a kiss and that too just two times which Avu has only initiate. In last 6-7 day's, they both had came close to eachother and Sid starts getting more than comfortable with Avu. They both had explored many places too in Paris and had tried lot's of cuisines and also done more shopping. They both had visited lot's of places like, 1.) la Fortuna which have Arenal volcano, waterfall, hot springs, etc.
2.) Louvre museum,
3.) Arc de triomphe,
4.) Versailles palace,
5.) The Basilica of sacred heart of Paris,
7.) Seine river.

In evening, Sidneet decides to visit temple of love. They both gets ready and goes their. This famous temple stands on a little island made of two branches of a river, in the middle of the irresistible beauty of the Versailles field. Right from its spectacular neo-classical structure to its peaceful locale, everything there is a treat to the eyes. What makes this place more special is the famous belief that kissing your loved one at the centre of the temple strengthens your love and relationship. And the idea of visiting temple of love is of our dear Avneet.

Avu-: it's beautiful na..??

Sid-: yeah it is...

Avu-: and peaceful too... Had you came here before...??

Sid-: yes...

Avu-: with whom..?? Jannat...??

Sid-: no... Alone... She wanted to come here atleast one time with me but because of her shoots that time she couldn't come with me... And I'm glad that I doesn't came here at this holy place with her...

Avu-: yeah I know, she always says to us that she wants to visit this place and kiss her partner here in centre of the temple but why you don't want to come here with her...??

Sid-: because she doesn't respect all this things, she feels that it's boring and useless... She doesn't even join my family in the morning or evening prayers... So why I should bring her here or come with her, just for a kiss...??

Avu-: ohh... I doesn't know that because we never stayed together for so long time...

Sid-: can we please stop talking about her... I don't want to spoil my and yours mood by talking about her...

Avu-: yeah...

And they both starts talking about other things. Some about her likes and dislikes and some about his family's likes and dislikes and on other topics too.


Next day, in evening,

Avu-: Sidddhhaarrttthhh..... She calls him sweetly while singing his name.

Sid-: hmm...??

Avu-: What are you doing...?? She asks him while sitting beside him.

Sid-: I'm working... Can't you see Mrs. Singhania...?? He says to her while his eyes fixed on his laptop.

Avu-: Mr. Singhania I can see that but for your kind information I would like to tell you that we're on honeymoon so work is banned here... So shut your laptop and let's go outside and enjoy the last day of our honeymoon...

Sid-: I'll but firstly you go and wear your clothes... Why are you sitting here just in bathrobe...??

Avu-: because I'm not able to decide what should I wear... I don't have anymore dresses... She says sadly while Sid turns his face towards her and looks at her shockingly.

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