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In living room, they all were deciding where to go for breakfast.

Rd-: guy's stop arguing yrr... Decide quickly me and my doll both are feeling hungry... He says while making a crying face while Ruhi looks at him and jumps on his chachu who holds her at time.

Adi-: O God... you're really a rabbit princess...

Avu-: and you're a bandar... She adds making other laugh while Adi looks at her.

Adi-: bhabhi yrr...

Ishu-: Accha oky now let's go outside only for breakfast... Bhai where have you gone for breakfast last time when you have came here...??

Sid-: it was a cafe... You all should definitely taste their food... I personally loved it...

Avu-: then let's go there only for breakfast... She says while other nods.

After sometime, they all reaches to Bros Beans & Beats cafe and after settling and admiring the interior their they orders there delicious breakfast.

Ruhi's outfit

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Ruhi's outfit.

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