chapter 5

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tell me this song isnt beautiful 😍
the next morning....

minho pov...
i was sleeping picefully when the sun light hit my face and thats when i rememberd..
minho: shit im late....

with that minho ran to the bathroom to get ready and wore some clouths that were in the house as  a gift..he ran downstairs and opened the door....

minho: can you deive me to work...
driver: im sorry but your parents seid that you and jisung cant leave the house for 1 week...
minho: WHAT!!..
driver: thay also talked to your menager that you wont be able to go to work for 1 week...
minho: this is bullshit! ugh whatever...

with that minho went inside and sow jisung sitting in the couch...

minho: yaa dipshit why didnt you tell me were stuck here for 1 fucking week..
jisung: cuz i didnt want to duh. naw dont disturb me and and dont come into my room....
minho: whatever asshole...

with that jisung went to his room . he had woken up very early to work on his laptop and he was tired so he went to take a nap...

minho pov: gosh i cant belive that im stuck with this bastert for one week ugh..

after some time jisung came down staris looking feriuse..minho had busted loud music on purpise just to make jisung mad....

jisung: (angry) WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU BITCH!!!....
minho: NO I DONT WANT TO!!..

jisung had enough and went downstars and took minhos phone and turned of the music...

minho: hey why did you do that give me my phone back...
jisung: no cuz your not letting me sleep.
minho: well i dont care give me my phone back you bitch...
jisung: i seid NO!!!.

jisung held the up while minho tryed to get it but he was to short to get and while jumping he slid and was about to fall but cought jisungs shirt and thay both fell....jisung on top of minho thay groned in pain and looked at each other  not knowing in what position thay were in.. thay were to lost in each other when suddently the smell of smoke hit minhos nose and he was brought back to realety...

minho: yaa get of off me...

minho pushed jisung of and ran to the stove where he had something cooking and naw it was burned...

minho: no my food this is all your falt you asshole...
jisung: how is it my falt your the one that tripped bitch. and why the fuck are you cleaning the house it was brand new..
minho: i was bored duh and now look what you did....
jisung: whatever just order something stupid....
minho: fuck of..

with that jisung went back upstairs and minho was in the liveingroom watching tv while waiting for the food to arrive...

after 20 mins jisung came downstairs his sleep had gone away now and he had taken a shower and as soon as he came downstairs the doorbell was heard and he went to open the door to check who is was it was the pizza man..

pizza man: your order sir this will be 10  dollers...
jisung: but i di-....

jisung was cought of when minho came and took the pizzas and went to the liveing room again...

jisung : what the- anyway here you go..

jisung paid the pizza man and came to the liveingroom where minho was...

jisung : you ordered 3 pizzas!!
minho: yes and..
jisung : your weird im takeing one since i paid for it....
minho: ( rolling eyes ) whatever....

jisung took one pizza and went to his office...

later that day was evening naw and was in his room working in his laptop when gun shots were heard.. he took his gun and rushed outside to see what was going on..when he did he sow none other then minho shoting with his gun..

minho: yaa im just practecing my shoting skills and where in the middle of nowhare no one can here us...
jisung: thay can hear us plus we have naighbors just down there....
minho: ( rolling eyes ) whatever...

a week went on like this thay always fought with each other and would end up almost killing each other....

an: this was part 5 hope you liked it

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