chapter 7

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the next morning...

jisung had gone of to work...after an hour and a half he resived a text from his brother...

jeongin: wow brother in low is soch a grate dancer..

jeongin had send jisung a video of minho danceing at his concert...

jisung pov : what the fuck is he doing didnt i tell him not to move to much...

just then his phone was an unknowen number..he picked up...

jisung: hello who is this...
??: hi.. em this minhos menager is this minhos husband im talking to...
jisung: yes thats me did something happen?..
menager: yes minho is unconscious and his bleeding badly...
jisung: WHAT!! where is he i'll come pick him up...
menager: we send him to the ××× ××× hospital his in the room ××××...
jisung: ok im on my way thanks for telling me...
menager: your wellcome and tell minho that his got 3 weeks off to recover..
jisung: okay bye...

with that jisung hung up and told his secretary that he has an emergency and left to go to the hospital...soon he arrived and went to minhos room and found him sleeping and sighned in realef..then he talked with his doctor..

doctor: his very lucky that thay broghts him in time or else he might have fallen into a coma. may i know who is he to you...
jisung: his my husband..
doctor: thats great.. so he'll wake up any minute now so ima leave you two alone but call us when he wakes up so we can do a check up..
jisung: okay thankyou again...

with that the doctor left and jisung set on a chair near the bed minho was in and sighned...after 5 mins minho woke up..

minho: w-what happend....
jisung: care to excplain why you hald a concert knowing in what condition you were...
minho: bic i wanted too...
jisung: are you crazy you could'ev into a coma...
minho: why do you care...
jisung: gosh i cant with you anymore...

just then the doctor came...

doctor: oh you are you feeling..
minho: fine i guess...
doctor: good..okay now mr.han do you mind leaving so we can do a check up...
jisung: ( coldly) yeah sure...

jisung glared at minho before leaving the room and waited outside...after about 20 mins the doctor camt out...

doctor: so we did the check up and you are ganna have to take care of him so he dosent move a lot ok..his wonde will heal in a week...
jisung: alright... when can i take him home..
doctor: today...
jisung: okay thankyou doc..

with that the doctor left and jisung took minho home...and carried him to his room and laid him on his bed...

jisung: listen here your menager gave you a 3 weeks of to recover..
minho: wait what! what about my fans..
jisung: your fans can wait...
minho: this is bullshiz...
jisung: well its your falt for moving to much....
minho: whatever...
jisung: apperently your wonde will heal in a week so you should be fine when our parents visit us...
minho: i know...
jisung: well then im ganna leave if you need anything call me..
minho: yeah yeah whatever...

jisung left and went to work again and minho was left alone..he watched tv and then fell asleep... he woke up after 3 hours. and he went downstairs bic he was hungry and made himself a cup of roman..he ate up and set down watching tv again when the door clicked open...minho knew who it was...
jisung came in looking exhausted...he didnt say anything and just went upstairs to freshen up..minho just looked at him confused that why he didnt say anything...minho thought for a while and got us to make him something to eat and made him coffie well yeah his wonde hurted but he didnt really care.. soon jisung came downstairs and the smell of food hit his nose he went to the kitchen and sow minho cooking something...

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